massage and bodywork professionals

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Is understanding Legislation important to the massage therapy profession?

In the past few years I have had encounters with some issues that pointed me to looking at the importance of legislative action within our profession. Yet, I cannot help but wonder why so FEW therapists are involved and even FEWER are aware of legislation's role in our profession.

So I had to ask, Is it me or am I just nuts to think every massage therapist should know how important being legislatively aware really is?

Last summer I was inundated with calls from therapists in NYS because of the new mandate requiring CE's. ALL were upset because they a.)didn't know the issue was on the table and b.)they had no voice in the process. Yet none of them seemed to understand the process involved, thinking the governor pulled the law out of his back pocket.

We are not made aware in training or CE classes about the purpose and process of legislation as it affects our profession, that I have found anyway. Are there any courses??




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