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I was recently informed by a therapist that they were helping another therapist out for a while. It was told that there is also another therapist there whom had their own room. The lead (owner) therapist took some personal belongings (decorations) out of the other therapist room because the owner said they brought bad luck to the business. Do you think it was right for owner to do so without confronting the therapist first?

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If the therapist is paying rent on the room, it's absolutely not ok. The owner can ask if they'd remove certain items, but they have absolutely NO right to take anything out. If the therapist is an employee, the owner can demand removal. Luck is a very cultural thing, what one considers bad luck, another may consider good. This should have been discussed in either situation. This is a whole lot bigger than an "invasion of privacy".
Your room is a reflection of you, therefore, it is NOT okay to remove anything from someones room!
This is a lesson in being sure you are on the same page with people you decide to partner with. I agree that IF the therapist is paying rent on the room, then the room should be decorated as he/she sees fit. IF that therapist is actually working for someone else, the owner has the say-so.
If that therapist is paying for that room and it was there belongings it was in poor taste to remove them.  The owner should be clear with all who work there, what they expect even if they are just subing for someone.  If the owner or a client have issues with decor, adjustments can be made with communitation.  Cross cultural beliefs are tricky.

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