massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Hi. I just joined this site. I am looking forward to learning from other people here. I have been doing massage for 5 years and esthetics for 15 years.

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Hi there! Thanks for introducing yourself.

Like you, I am looking forward to connecting with other therapists. I just graduated in June from my program here in Ohio. We are licensed by the state medical board and only have two dates during the whole year to sit for board exams--so I won't be an LMT until December! In the meantime I hope to learn a lot from the forums here. It's exciting to be a part of something new, don't you think?
Hi Heather. Welcome to the field. It is a wonderful choice for a career. What a bummer that you have to wait until December to sit for your boards. I would be going nuts waiting! However, you will be able to learn a lot in the meantime. I agree, it is exciting to be part of something new. I work for a wellness center near where I live and we just moved to a new location. It was a very exciting transition, but there are always a few kinks to work out...Good luck to you.

Heather Grenzig said:
Hi there! Thanks for introducing yourself.

Like you, I am looking forward to connecting with other therapists. I just graduated in June from my program here in Ohio. We are licensed by the state medical board and only have two dates during the whole year to sit for board exams--so I won't be an LMT until December! In the meantime I hope to learn a lot from the forums here. It's exciting to be a part of something new, don't you think?

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