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I'm doing some research on a potential project and I'm curious to see which schools (not individual teachers) people think are the leaders in the field (in the US), those which are sort of in the middle, and those which people might consider to be "bottom of the barrel". The object here is not to bash the less-effective schools, I'm just trying to find out which schools would be in all three categories. If you would feel more comfortable sending me a private message rather than posting in the open, please do so. Private opinions will remain private.

One additional thing that would be helpful, but not necessary- why do you think the schools are in the position they are in? What makes the schools you picked out great, mediocre, or poor quality?

Thanks in advance for the feedback!!!

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.Hi Kim! Great question.

I feel the privately owned schools in general provide a better education overall. Usually they are owned and operated by a massage therapist. They are more committed and understand our needs.

I also feel that since the VoTech schools took on massage programs, offering quick 6 month programs with inexperienced instructors was the detriment and downfall to our profession and education.

I have owned a private school, I have worked in VoTech schools and private schools and I have helped write curriculum and set up a few schools. I have even gone into schools to evaluate the instructors and work along with them to bring their methods up to par.

Health Choices In New Jersey is one of the private sectors that has been providing quality education for many many years. Renate Novak is the owner and I'm sure she would love to speak with you. Tell her I sent you.

MTTI in Kansas City, a school I instructed at and did consultation and curriculum re-writes is totally looking to create a more superior education for their students. Don Farquhson is the owner. Although he is not a massage therapist, he receives massage regularly and has more of an understanding than some other non MT owners I've encountered.
For instance another school in KC's owner literally said "What is all this B.S. about anyway?" "Just fix the program"

I worked at a private school on Kauai - Lee Joseph is the owner and he also started a school in Florida many years ago. His courses are superior!

Without naming any other schools, I have taught at many and sadly enough the majority of the instructors are inexperienced, boring or stagnant. The owners basically don't care.

Why are schools in this position? Personally - Greed! Lack of experience and knowledge!

Years ago our mentors taught about "healing", today they push you out promising you a career with a high wage, which isn't true (for the most part). Healing is not approached in many, if not most of these VoTech schools. And forget about the spiritual component. It doesn't exist in the ones I have worked at or hear about.

If you want to pick my brain "privately", please email me at

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