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I have a blog and am following some great people on twitter -

I'd love to follow new LMT's if you have joined the twitter party! Please
post your info so we can share great massage facts and finds one tweet
at a time!

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I have about 1000 followers. I have been over 1000 several times, but every time I purge the porno queens, I drop a few!

Good point Laura. I started getting my numbers up there on Twitter and found out that it was all porn or mlm or just plain ole' salespeople. Had to get rid of 'm.

Here's my addy:


Laura Allen said:
I have about 1000 followers. I have been over 1000 several times, but every time I purge the porno queens, I drop a few!
Thanks for adding your info - I'm now following you both!
I found this sitting in my e-mail box this morning from BetterNetworker.

"How to set up an auto-reply to your new Twitter followers."
I'm just now giving this a try, so I can't say I'm recommending this....yet ;)

I always like new toys so I'm giving this a try ;) If this doesn't work out, or is filled with spam, I'll let ya'll know ;)


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