Has anyone read this article? I've always been a little apprehensive about working on pregnant clients for fear that I might overstimulate them and cause preterm labor
(this is what is taught) This article discusses misconceptions that we have about working the feet of a pregnant client for fear of stimulating the reflexology points in the ankle and how that information is false and highly unlikely that work in this area could have such a powerful effect. It's a great article and I would love to hear others thoughts on the subject
I was just thinking back...years ago when there didn't seem to be so many "rules" for pregnant women, I rode my horse daily until I was eight months along until finally, my center of gravity no longer allowed me to ride like I wanted to! My daughter arrived on time and unscathed, a viable human who has her very own baby now. Also, I remember having a foot & leg & bum massage pretty much every day after work until I delivered her, and never had a clue there would be a problem with that. I slept on my stomach, propped between pillows too! Food for thought.