massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Please help me compile this information. I'd like more than a 1,000 if possible. Sure it is!
Your participation is MOST appreciated.
Remember you do not have to answer all the questions and Page 2 is "optional". Page two is for those employed only, NOT Self Employed!The survey company automatically includes Page 2 and I was unable to edit or delete. SO it IS OPTIONAL!
Pass it on to your colleagues too.

The intention is to publish this research to assist
Future LMT's, educators, employers and anyone else interested in the statistics of the massage industry!
I want to give you a voice to share your thoughts and experiences.

The Survey will end November 29, 2009

Updates will be posted on this discussion throughout the survey and final results will be provided once all information is compiled and reviewed.

FYI! I am also conducting private interviews with owners of franchises, spas, schools, massage therapists etc. Interested? Contact me.

I will also be including a few interviews from employers and LMT's. Want to participate? Contact me

Thanks, Gloria

Views: 961

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Actually Mike, about 50% believe we should have some "sort" of advanced certification, these were the typical comments posted about it! (many more too).

Mike Hinkle said:
Don't see much support for Advanced Certification there. Thanks!

Gloria Coppola said:
Tonight's Update! I guess the weather has us moving slower today

Total participants = 421

Most of the %'s have remained the same as the previous day.

Here are a few more comments:

Question: Do you feel there should be advanced certification?

1. I thought there was
2. Isn't there already?
3. Now that I am skeptical...I think many of these modalities are bunk...
4. Most modalities offer their own certification, don't they? That should be sufficient to hand on the wall!
5.I specialize in offering NMT...if I tell someone that I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist...they commonly think all I do is swedish.

Question: What else would you like to comment? (Perhaps some of our colleagues out here would like to answer some of these questions or share your ideas)

1. Pet peeves - sometimes not being taken seriously about my profession or the benefits that serious massage therapy provides. Would like to see more relevant and interesting CE classes offered at some fun, relaxing and play :)

2.I have learned that not everyone works as hard nor has the personal motivation to do their best as I do... And I need to learn how to deal with these people...

3. Thanks!!! it even gave me some ideas and issues to address with my new contract laborers.

4. I'd be curious about products massage therapists use. I'd be curious about work related injuries and if anyone uses the hydraulic lift tables. Thanks

5. Have you ever had a client sexualize a session? If so, what did you do about it? Was the client male/female? Age range? What sort of setting were you in? (Private practice, spa, chiro office, etc.) How often--once, more than once, etc.

6. There should be questions in relating to current massage therapy students....such as myself! :)
Thank you Gloria..

7. Do you accept insurance? What percentage are you paid? What is the percentage of clients doing this?

Thanks again everyone! Please tell 2 more people!
Almost half way there! Please tell 2 of your colleagues and we can have 1000 MT's soon!

I have been reading many of the discussions on these forums and this survey will help with some of those questions.

So, remember to participate and I will share your voice (s)!

Thanks, Gloria
What's the numbers?
Would like to report today, but not much going on!
Need more people to participate !

So everyone, please tell your colleagues!

The data has been pretty consistent on the whole FYI.
Mostly, the comments are awesome.

I have had soooo many people ask for the publication of these results.

I am still waiting to hear from Massage Envy???? No response. Anyone out there have a connection
with them or any other franchise?

Would love more Spa employee Participation too!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Gloria have you sent the survey to Massage Envy? Maybe if they see the questions on the survey they will respond. Just a thought.

Gloria Coppola said:
Would like to report today, but not much going on!
Need more people to participate !

So everyone, please tell your colleagues!

The data has been pretty consistent on the whole FYI.
Mostly, the comments are awesome.

I have had soooo many people ask for the publication of these results.

I am still waiting to hear from Massage Envy???? No response. Anyone out there have a connection
with them or any other franchise?

Would love more Spa employee Participation too!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Today's Count! 442 participants !

A few updates!

Most popular modality people want to study has changed: Myofascial Release @ 39% of the people having it on their list to take.

Over 63% of people in private practice DO NOT sell any products.

Spa Employees 47% feel the best thing about working at spa is the " Ambience"
50% of the people don't want to sell products in a spa.
40% of them would prefer higher wages
40% don't think it's fair when they charge so much for a massage

51% of the participants say massage their massage career has been what they imagined.
Some comments from this question:
1. it is busyer than i immagened and with some clinics a bit of inner politics are involved
2.The 2nd time around I know what to expect.
3. I did not have enough training

72% of the participants went to privately owned massage schools

51% felt their school prepared them well to enter the business.

87% feel word of mouth is the best advertising!

Keep pass the word - we need 600 more MT's. Thanks!
With 464 participants
did you know the majority have been in practice for 1-5 years

Where are all the pioneers in the profession?

I will be posting updates soon!

Thanks for your continued support!
Sunday Updates 465 participants & Comments

Why did you become a massage therapist?
76% to help people

1. I am passionate about assisiting people in finding balance, body, mind, and soul through various therapeutic modalities
2. To learn more about myself and have a livelihood in the process
3. interest in medicine but I didn't want to be a MD

As a business owner what is your biggest challenge?
59% say "Marketing"

1. unethical & unprofessional not wanting to work, want it handed to them
2. Start up, space rent and did I say marketing?
3. Had a large clinic for 11 years got tired of having to manage contractors
4. equipment repair
5. Not just budgeting but all aspects of managing finances, and taxes.

Question: If you are employed as an MT, does your employer pay for CE's?
65% said No
1. They use part of our gratuity to provide CEUs of their choice
2.provides 1-2hrs, gives discounts toward classes taught by them

Question: How much does your place of employment charge for a massage?
28% Said $50-60/ 50 min. session
18% Said $70-80
6% Said $ 120 or more

If you are SELF employed how much do you actually make per massage (after all expenses, etc.). This means after marketing, supplies, laundry etc. Do you know?
31% responded :$ 30-40/hr
23% $ 40-50

1. I am not sure I haven't tried to figure that out.
2. I don't know
3. Just started about 2 months ago so i don't have the time invested to make that calculation
4. Enough to pay the bills, that is all I know so far.

Question:If you are in PRIVATE Practice what has been the most successful marketing tool to build your practice?
88% responded "Word of Mouth"

What do you love the most about being a massage therapist?
1. The satisfaction in helping others feel better, the compassion in understanding another's pain and discomfort
2. Flexibility of schedule
Helping others to heal
Good income
3. The joy of giving, the joy of sharing, the joy of receiving Aloha


If you could change one thing about your place of employment, what would it be? Explain
1. The spa I work at should do some kind of marketing because it is slow and this is a trying time. Also, they should stop layering sheets!!! It drives me crazy.
2. I would network more with other medical professionals
3. make more money also not be worked to death
5. Better music,More windows,Less gossip
6. I love my work

If you employ massage therapist, what challenges do you have with your employees that they might not be aware of?
45% responded ; Cost of Overhead

1. Getting them to promote themselves and follow-up with clients.
2.not turning clients into friends and over sharing personal life with clients, exchanging private phone #'s with clients.
3. keeping up on their CEU's
4. Not profesional enough.

If you could improve your career in any way, what would you do?
1. budget time and money
2. Find ways to market my business better.
3. Work in a therapeutic setting not for resorts, they don't respect us.
4. Open an integrated center for a more visible presence in the community, offering space to multiple independent practitioners. using the concept of a co-op for the business.
5. Teach, lecture, and write more. And, I always with there was more time and budget for taking classes.

Question:What type of massage do you provide most often?
55% responded : Deep Tissue
Followed by Swedish

Do you feel there should be a minimum number of years of experience inf the field for instructors who want to teach massage? If so, how many?

43% responded 3-5 years
1. Maybe based on hours not years?
2. Depends on how knowledgeable they are & can they teach.
3.There should be MTI training. It takes a lot more to teach than just having years of service.

Question:Do you feel potential massage instructors should go through a teacher training program?
67% responded YES

Question:Do you think massage should be licensed everywhere?
80% said YES

Question:Do you think there should be an advanced certification for people who study specific modalities?
Responses 50/50
1. Yes, but that should be governed by the school, institute or person who created the technique.
2. no way to quantify different modalities
3. Most modalities offer their own certification, don't they? That should be sufficient to hand on the wall!
4. I would much prefer that we attain advanced certifications through educators/schools themselves, rather than being required to certify through any other entity

Thank you everyone!
Hopefully this answers questions for some, gives ideas for others and makes us more aware of what people are experiencing and feeling.

keep telling your colleagues to participate in the survey. Thanks again!
We've got 476 today!
I will post updates tomorrow once a few more roll in.
Let's pass the word and make 500 by the a.m.

Hi Everyone
We are at 485!
I'll post updates once we have 500 participants!
Go tell two more people .

Many thanks!
Yes Darcy

I have not heard back from anyone from Massage Envy. Very disappointed as we really do
need them to speak out too.

Getting a bit of bad press on the survey and I would really love to have more participation from the franchises as a whole.

Darcy Neibaur BS LMT NCTMB said:
Gloria have you sent the survey to Massage Envy? Maybe if they see the questions on the survey they will respond. Just a thought.

Gloria Coppola said:
Would like to report today, but not much going on!
Need more people to participate !

So everyone, please tell your colleagues!

The data has been pretty consistent on the whole FYI.
Mostly, the comments are awesome.

I have had soooo many people ask for the publication of these results.

I am still waiting to hear from Massage Envy???? No response. Anyone out there have a connection
with them or any other franchise?

Would love more Spa employee Participation too!

Have a great weekend everyone!
I am sorry to hear they are not responding. Well, we have to look as Jesus. He is always our example. When He was accused of all kinds of things He did not respond either. So maybe the not responding is a way of saying they are innocent of the acusations. I think this is something we might have missed in the to Jesus. Just a thought.

Gloria Coppola said:
Yes Darcy

I have not heard back from anyone from Massage Envy. Very disappointed as we really do
need them to speak out too.

Getting a bit of bad press on the survey and I would really love to have more participation from the franchises as a whole.

Darcy Neibaur BS LMT NCTMB said:
Gloria have you sent the survey to Massage Envy? Maybe if they see the questions on the survey they will respond. Just a thought.

Gloria Coppola said:
Would like to report today, but not much going on!
Need more people to participate !

So everyone, please tell your colleagues!

The data has been pretty consistent on the whole FYI.
Mostly, the comments are awesome.

I have had soooo many people ask for the publication of these results.

I am still waiting to hear from Massage Envy???? No response. Anyone out there have a connection
with them or any other franchise?

Would love more Spa employee Participation too!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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