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Hi I am currently a student at Florida College and Natural Health. I have 6 months left of school including all of my clinic hours also left to do. I want to move to Michigan but I am not having any luck finding a hands on school near Alanson, MI. I am also confused on how it all works. I live in Florida and Both states require 500 hours. My school is for 1,000 hours. I am not complaining. I love learning. but I am confused on why we are required to finish with a 91% attendance when the state only requires 500 hours. So I guess I have two questions. The first one is does any one know of any schools near Alanson, MI and can someone please explain the whole hour thing to me please.

I am sorry. I am new around here and new to Education.


Michelle Cash

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91% attendance is to prevent diploma mills from selling transcripts.

I do not know of any schools that far north, I live about 90 minutes south of Alanson in Cadillac. I went to Baker College of Cadillac, they have a very good massage program.

Here is a link to Michigan's LARA where you will find links to the license application and approved schools:,4601,7-154-35299_63294_27529_53660--...

Unfortunately, I think the closest massage program is located here in Cadillac from what I could see. I can't remember the breakdown of how many hours of book education and supervised hands on. Wish I could help more, that's all the info I have.

thanks LISa

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