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Carl Jung Was Right:
How the practical application of a simple massage becomes the most basic form of energy healing
My hands warm quickly as I begin your session with the scalp – the area of the body closest to Spirit.  Working the physical body allows the energetic bodies to cleanse, unblock and open.  Scalp massage, in essence, strengthens your link to the All that Is, and energy soon quickens from the intent to allow healing and include the Creator in our work.  I soon feel the full flash of this natural Violet physiological electricity.  The great muscle that is your scalp begins to relax, creating a domino affect that unclenches your jaw, lengthens your neck and opens your chest. 
Pressure points on the face allow your sinuses to open, encouraging breathing to deepen – lowering blood pressure and allowing the autonomic nervous system to take over – the “rest and digest” center.  Tipping over into the autonomic allows you to disengage from the routine “fight or flight” survival mode, discouraging stress hormones from continuing to flood into the bloodstream.  Two of these pressure points are located on either side of the third eye.  Your newly strengthened crown chakra is breathing in the God force, pulling this energy down through your brow.  Not only is there physical clearing taking place, the intuitive center is now joining forces with the Divine link at your Crown to re-create and renew the uppermost portion of your powerful energetic core.  The Indigo cloud upon which you float is akin to a deep blue night sky, sugar-coated with your own stars of nurturing comfort and abbreviated but peaceful disconnection from the third dimension.
I gently stretch your neck, coaxing open tissues that will then offer less resistance during massage.  Might you experience a new or intensified urge to speak your Truth?  The chakra of the throat is beginning to respond to our work across the shoulders and down the arms.  Are you carrying a heavy burden that is not your own?  Or has tension finally pushed your shoulders up so high that you feel your ability to express is strangled or muted?  Padlocks of suppression begin to drop to the floor as energetic blocks release physical knots in your shoulders.  Your arms are now able to become less rigid as I slide off of a shoulder and down to your hand.  It’s so easy to keep a tight grip on our daily stresses, and that can translate literally to discomfort in our forearms and palms.  A stretch at your wrist… a smoothing of your palm… an extending of your fingers… the chakra in your palm begins movement anew, encouraging your own healing energy to hum to life and assist in our work.  Healing is a choice, and your choice for healing is the most powerful thing happening during our time together.  You allow yourself to slide into the warm translucent tropical Blue energy pool that has thrummed to life at your throat… the pool that is now generously fed by the waterfall flowing out of the centers of your crown and brow.
A firm grip on your ankles and a gentle shake of the legs begins to assist in the unraveling of your torso.  Tissues relax around the ribcage, causing your breath to deepen even more as the diaphragm is given new space.  The lungs are the only organ to come in contact with the outside world, and the rhythmic rocking of your upper body allows each layer of muscle and tissue to relax, releasing the body’s grip on the lungs and encouraging the same slow, meditative rhythm in the breath.  Moving back to your shoulders, I begin a gentle smoothing out of your pectoral muscles and the small muscles surrounding the upper portion of your sternum – coming in direct contact with the outermost physical layer surrounding your heart center.  Soft wisps of Green and Pink energies move out and surround the body, intensifying with each long smooth stroke out away from the sternum and off the shoulders.  The overflowing pool that is the throat chakra seems to mist down into the heart center, allowing the Truth of your throat center to settle into the compassion that is your heart.
Reaching across the body to pull a hip slowly toward me, I gently stretch the muscles of the back from your shoulder blades to your sacrum.  The center of all this broadening and lengthening of tissue is your solar plexus.  This sunny Yellow sphere radiates out as it too breathes a sigh of relief at its newfound and long-wished for freedom.  The center of your body cradles almost all of your organs, and the solar plexus is the small and mighty plant powering them all.  Giving new space to this smooth, buttery energy empowers your body’s vital life force as each organ works in tandem with the next, willing life and vitality - reaching to this sunny orb as all life on earth reaches to our own fiery star - warming the compassion of the heart as it reaches down, illuminating your unique creative spark and passion for life.
Emotions very often fuel our passions and vice versa.  Working the legs and the feet is a reminder to your sacral and root centers that they are not forgotten.  Your entire body is once again massaged in miniature as every organ and system is addressed through the pressure points on each foot.  We have able to activate the female – or yin - halves of each of your chakra centers before you turn, so that your back – or yang – side may be addressed.
Facedown, your Orange and Red chakras are only beginning to join in the carefully choreographed dance that is all of Your Chakra System.
Your back and one leg are uncovered.  Long, slow body-length strokes connect each side of you from palm to sole.  This soothing stroke is repeated several times before the focus is returned to your leg.  Firm, slow, smoothing movements slide up the leg to your hip.  We can almost audibly hear the deep, low thrum of the root chakra as it falls into its innate earth rhythm.  If Red has a sound, this is it: the song at the center of your physical body.  This is your song of survival… of the Self… of humanity.  It is easy to imagine a great drumming circle surrounding the sacred space in which we currently reside.  The Red pulsates with each drum beat, coalescing at the base of your spine.  It is eager to both connect you with Mother Earth and to surge up your energetic core, connecting you with Spirit.
Moving up now to your sacrum, everything in your lower back is encouraged to relax and broaden… to give you a space to feel… to make a place for your emotional body to reside.  A gentle rocking of your hips coaxes the tissues gripping each side of your sacrum to release, allowing you fluidity of movement and an ease of grace.  The passionate Orange energy living in this center is creative and longs to dance… to sing… to fly.  The Red spark of your root fans the Orange flames of your sacral center, and ignites the waiting wick of the solar plexus.
The waiting willful Yellow is ready to spring into action, playfully following my hands up and over your ribcage toward the heart center as the thoracic muscles of your mid-back are gently pulled up and away from the hips and low back.  How often do you see your emotions affect your will?  How often does your will dictate your emotions?  Both things to consider as you experience the way in which your Yellow energy greets your Green center.  Is it a gentle co-mingling of harmonic energies?  Or is it a rather discordant bouncing off of one another… almost as if a baton has been dutifully handed off during a relay race?
This relationship is going to then affect how the Blue energy of your throat operates.  As we drift further, paying special care to the attachments around the shoulder blades and upper spine, we pull your Green up to the throat.  Again, we’re stimulating your Blue expressive energy.  Is your Truth encouraged by the compassion of your Green center?
The more of your Truth you speak, the more the intuitive center of your brow will remain.  When there is no fear of expression – or non-expression – that may clog the energy at the throat, the inner sight at your brow may remain clear.
We continue moving upward; again lengthening the neck, reminding the Blue energy that there should be no fear… it is free to speak.  The Blue at the throat drifts on to darken into the Indigo of wisdom. 
We end where we began: the physical point of Divine contact. 
The session and the space we’ve shared are sealed with a slow, firm scalp massage, pulling the Indigo wisdom of Self into the Violet Knowing of God.
“Often, the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.”
Carl Jung
Stephanie Dolan, NCTMB

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