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He sounds like a laid back dude! I don't know if I could be that laid back if I were in his position.

I think his situation kind of sad in a way.
It's sad because it shows the way things are. Here's this guy just trying his best to wade through things and provide people with good information . People are going after him YET there's sooooo much being sold out there that's based on lies and there's nothing being done about that. T'ain't fair!

Take, for example, these ion foot bath thingies. It has been shown that there's nothing in them and yet you get so many people buying into it and using it like it's the answer to everyones ailments (I was going to put a link to some claims about them here, but I decided not to in case I get sued - people can google them and see how wonderful they are!) . Thankfully now there is more being written about them, but you have to wonder now if the writers of those articles will be targeted.

It's nearly like it's getting to the point where selling lies is OK, but saying that someone is selling lies isn't.

Anyway, Paul gets the thumbs up in my book - his website has a ton of information on it and every MT should have it bookmarked - it'll make you think!
As someone who has been "censored" myself, there is nothing worse. I happen to like Paul's writing, I've tweeted and posted his website on FB many times. But it wouldn't make any difference if I didn't believe a word he said, I would still defend his right to say it. Shame on the people trying to shut him up.
Thanks for mentioning Paul. I'm enjoying his articles and tutorials.

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