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I am interested in outcalls. Does anyone have any suggestions for an ideal table?


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Hi Marlene,

I'm surprised with such an increase in therapists choosing to do "mobile massage" that the manufacturers have not come out with the dream mobile table. Some have built lighter models. Good question and good group to start. Keep the Faith!
I use a table from Earthlight, got it while in school. I believe you can check it out on the website.
Thanks Jerry. I will check out the website. :)

Hi Marlene,
I have been doing outcall for 10 years and I agree you would think one of the major companies would have come up with a really good light weight model. My table/facerest/armrest/bolster when packed up weighs 40#, and at the end of the day feels more like 140# (Stairs are not my friends) Remember when they state their weight in the description it is usually just the weight of the table, not including facerest or anything else. To find something sturdy enough, (outcall tables have to endure much more abuse) and lightweight has been my quest. A couple of years ago I tried out a slightly lighter model and discovered that it was indeed maybe 2# lighter but it was also about 2" thicker when folded and packed. This makes a difference when you are carrying it through doorways and just for general body mechanics and ease if carrying. I will be interested to hear if anyone comes up with a "dream table"
Hi Lorrie,

Thanks so much for your input. I have been looking at some aluminum made tables instead of wood online. Do you know or does anyone else out here know if they are any good (long lasting, sturdy, etc.). They seem to weight a lot less than wooden tables.


Lorrie said:
Hi Marlene,
I have been doing outcall for 10 years and I agree you would think one of the major companies would have come up with a really good light weight model. My table/facerest/armrest/bolster when packed up weighs 40#, and at the end of the day feels more like 140# (Stairs are not my friends) Remember when they state their weight in the description it is usually just the weight of the table, not including facerest or anything else. To find something sturdy enough, (outcall tables have to endure much more abuse) and lightweight has been my quest. A couple of years ago I tried out a slightly lighter model and discovered that it was indeed maybe 2# lighter but it was also about 2" thicker when folded and packed. This makes a difference when you are carrying it through doorways and just for general body mechanics and ease if carrying. I will be interested to hear if anyone comes up with a "dream table"
Hi Marlene,

I have been doing outcalls for the past 5 years. The portable table I use is a Spirit table. I find that with the use of a cart, the only problem I have is the lack of an elevator. Otherwise the table is no problem in and out of doors or hallways if you use a cart for the transportation of the table.
thanks, Heather. I'll check the Spirit out.

Heather Coren said:
Hi Marlene,

I have been doing outcalls for the past 5 years. The portable table I use is a Spirit table. I find that with the use of a cart, the only problem I have is the lack of an elevator. Otherwise the table is no problem in and out of doors or hallways if you use a cart for the transportation of the table.
When I first began my practice, that's all I did, was go to people's homes or to corporations. My first table was fairly easy to carry, then I went to Costco (of all places) and found a table that had a lot of great features for me, but it was far heavier. I ended up going to a luggage store and buying a luggage carrier that folded up very easily and at the time was under $20. So not only was I able to "carry" my massage table, but I was also able to load up the carrier with my folding chair and bolster.

Going up stairs was not a problem, sometimes a bit awkward, but overall fairly easy to maneuver. This way, you're not limited by weight restrictions. Oh, I'm just barely 5ft, so most massage tables, even when folded down are almost as tall as me, lol.
My business is totally mobile. I suggest looking at as a good option lightest table on the market I know of. My therapists all carry very heavy tables and I am amazed at how they do it. Worth the investment in a quality lightweight table. The complete package was under $600
I love Oakworks Wellspring.

They have a traveler package too.
Well, Hi. In my case I have a Avalon Earthlight. I'ts a little heavy (35#) but when Im was studing some friend has a aluminium ones, in my experience those are less firm. I feel most trust do to the wood ones. I'm really sure a heavy person don't fall. Just used a carrier :-D that help a lot.

*Sorry for errors, my english isn't good*


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