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I am a practicing massage therapist, anatomy teacher, and now 7 months pregnant with my first child.  I am curious to hear other mom's experiences with working while pregnant.  With my growing belly, it sometimes does touch my clients but they have not paid it much mind; most clients welcome my news with enthusiasm.  I am hoping to work until the end and am wondering how realistic this is; thankfully, I have a very flexible employer and easy going private clients.  I am diligent about taking my naps and hydrating, but I would love to hear other experiences moms have had. 

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Hi there Rebecca, congrats!!!!, I work almost till the end while pregnant with my daughter, I had no problem whatsoever, a client did experience my baby kicking which it was fun and we just laughed :), other than that it worked just fine, enjoy the moment, god bless
When I was pregnant I also wanted to work until the very end, although with very limited hrs & only on regulars during the last month. I also cut out the super deep massages in the beginning. However dd had different plans. I went into labor at 30 weeks and was on bed rest until I had her at 35 weeks. My belly rubbed a little towards the end, but I never got to experience working while I was really big. In fact I didn't tell many of my clients & if they didn't come in during the last month that I worked they didn't even know I was pregnant. Everyone was happy for me & I didn't loose clients during maternity leave.

I worked till 2 days passed my due date with my dd. My mom assured me that people in my family do not have babies early. I felt great, so I kept going on a very limited schedule. The last month I only saw two clients a day. I had clients leave their email, so I could contact them when I was going to return to work. I also had a baby contest. Clients got to leave their name, guess the date and time of birth. Whoever was closest won an hour massage when I returned. It made it fun for them. I gave them names of other qualified massage therapists they could see while I was gone, but everyone returned when I came back. Good luck and enjoy!
thank you all for the responses! How about postpartum? Exhaustion issues? Breastfeeding/pumping issues?
Here is a blog I wrote on here months ago about my personal experience of being a massage therapist and new parent : Blog. It pretty much sums up my experience. You may also find yourself mixing up words, like using "passed" instead of "past" ;).
I am not the stay at home mom type, so I went back to work 4 days/week 6 weeks pp. She was sleeping really well until she was 4 months old then woke up multiple time throughout the night until she was 2 yo. I didn't realize it at the time, but it really affected my work. I will say that the experts are right when they say to exercise to help with exhaustion. I really noticed a difference the days I practiced yoga. I breast fed her until she was almost 2. I had a very big supply of milk & part of that was due to me pumping so much between clients. I would do 5-15 min about every hr with a manual pump, eventually I had to cut down. She would get a bottle of bm while I was away & we had no problems. She had no formula, except in the nicu :( , or milk until she turned 1.
Hi all! I'm not pregnant yet but hope to be there soon. I might turn out to be pregnant with a twins too. We are getting ready to do the in vetro fertilization soon. So I'm very nervous and scare of loosing the baby(ies) since it already involve with lots of emotionals, time, and financial. Anyway, this is very helpful. I also have a couple questions to ask here too. May I? Do you do the hot stone massage during your pregnancy? I usually use 2-4 hot stones on my clients would that be safe for me if I am pregnant? Should I tell my boss that I couldn't do a deep tissue massage until after I past my first 12 weeks? Tank you so very much!!!
i worked until a month before he was born.  i was okay doing massages through then and probably could have kept working.  I found longer massages more difficult.  My son is now 6 months old and i only work 1 day a week.  i found i didn't have the energy for running my own bussiness.  I would like to work a little more it has just been difficult arranging child care.  I suggest to always get help with breast feeding,  find a support group, a great lactation consultant, some experienced moms. I also need a scheduled break in order to pump otherwise things get in the way.  

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