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I know this is a strange question but I'm tired of painting my nails so much...

I have recently started painting my (very)short nails at the request of my After working, I notice that the polish soaks up the oils and becomes soft and tacky. Does anyone know how I can prevent this from happening or the best type of polish to buy?

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I used to love to have my nailed manicured and polished. Where I work we are not allowed to where polish. So it is just not that important to me any more. I keep my feet done and my toe nails polished. I know they taught us in school polish was a habitant of bacteria. I am not so sure that is true. Could be though. I recently discovered purple polish and really like it on my toes.
Don't wear it on my nails anymore!
Feet yes, because I discovered in hawaii when I worked barefooted, people always commented on the pretty polish or air brushed flowers :)
In addition to my work as a massage therapist, I also work as a nail technician. There is a new product by OPI called Axxium Gel Lacquer. It's better than polish in many ways, it doesn't chip, the shine is AMAZING and it would not react to your massage oils the way regular polish does.

One drawback is that you must have it applied/maintained at a salon every two-three weeks. Another drawback is that since it's a newer product and isn't necessarily easy to find. You would need to call around to find a salon that offers the service.

I hope you find a solution that works for you!
I never painted my nails either. I have been a massage therapist for 11 years now. I had them done to attend a function and my husband made tons of cute comments about having them painted. Since he really likes it, I figured why not! If he's happy...I'm happy. Anyway, Thanks for the advice I will look into the OPI Axxium Gel Lacquer. Thanks.

Please If anyone else has anything to add...Feel Free!

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