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Yep, that's with an "A"!

An editorial on "Affective Massage Therapy" in the IJTMB made me raise a few questions, not just about research, but also about what is going on in the everyday results I see in my practice.

First of all the articles addresses something which I have seen in other articles that have to do with a defect in the analysis of previous studies - a within group analysis done with a between groups design. Can someone explain this a little more? How prevalent is this defect in analysis in all of Field's research?

The article then goes on to talk about first and second order effects. This is something that I've wondered about a lot in my practice. Research has shown that MT lowers anxiety and depression - by lowering them alone, a myriad of health problems can possibly be alleviated. The article also I made me bring up my sleep question again, which might in turn lead to other results.
The identification of a subfield "Affective" Massage Therapy made me wonder if I needed to go and take a course in English grammar. Basically it is the "observable components of an individual's feelings, moods an emotions" and it addresses some areas in which research could be done. The anatomic sites would be an interesting study, just because I frequently hear "Why is it that a hand massage feels so good?" from clients. Other sites that came to mind would be feet, back and scalp (weird, I know - some clients just want to relax)

I've a question on the "Experience Effects". With the pediatric study which was an overview of 24 RCTs, it looks like for each study the same therapist was used for each application (probably to ensure standardisation in the protocol and application). Since there was such an increase in the levels of stress reduction as the recipients got more familiar with massage therapy, could that also have been attributed to the recipient being more comfortable with the therapist?
Also, as far as cortisol levels go, how do people view the Lawler/Cameron RCT that showed that cortisol levels were reduced with massage?

Also, on a different thread there was a reference made to studies on the client/therapist relationship.
Since this seems to be addressed quite a bit in the discussions on here, what's the latest from a research perspective (Robin brought it up on one of the threads, so I'll throw it up on here again).?

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(hex - and there's a bug in it - good job I changed careers)

Wait a minute... you're communicating with us in hexidecimal?!

I am dropping out of this conversation. There is no way I can keep up with that. Call me when we get back to talking about Affective Massage Therapy.
Dude, I thought you were Mr. Quantifiable. I mean, even oreo-stealing Moose that need lasik surgery can appreciate the beauty of hex.
That's disappointing.

OK, here's a general question on AMT. Since this new subfield has been identified and the areas in which investigation should be done were identified in the article - what would you like to see happen as the first steps research wise? Is this possibly an area in which case reports could be done by massage therapists?
It's one thing to be quantitatively oriented. It's another thing altogether to be fluent in hexidecimal machine language.

AMT & case studies? Oh yeah, for sure. In fact, there is one going on right now, in this very laboratory, as I type this.

What would I like to see happen? Well, I have lots of good ideas, I think, but I'm not going to just give them away on an internet forum! My students and I hope to do some of them ourselves. Having said that, I can sometimes be persuaded to give ideas away, or to help folks with their ideas.

The AMT editorial should contain lots of potential ideas for case studies. Any massage therapists who would like my guidance in conducting a case study or in refining one's question, I invite you to message me directly on this site or via email at christopher.a.moyer AT .
Well, I can't decide whether that is even more cool than Zaphod Beeblebrox.
If any lurkers are wanting to know more about research, qualitative/quantitative designs etc. there is a free overview on the MTF site that's a good intro.
Oh, I reckon round about Stardate -341575.86
Excellant find Vlad; wish I'd had this way back when.

EVERYONE-This breaks down research in MT language; no translation necessary; very well explained and all in one document.

Vlad said:
If any lurkers are wanting to know more about research, qualitative/quantitative designs etc. there is a free overview on the MTF site that's a good intro.

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