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Hey Wisconsin Reflexologists! Kevin Kunz announced on Twitter and Facebook that he has been invited to discuss and demonstrate Reflexology on Dr. Oz's new TV show.

They are still working out the details with the show's producers. As soon as Kevin knows, he will be posting it ASAP...

Dr. Oz is being shown in central Wisconsin on channel 9--WAOW, Wausau (an ABC-affiliate) at 3 p.m. starting September 14th. I don't know what stations in the Green Bay, Milwaukee, Madison, LaCrosse, Eau Claire, etc., stations it will be on. Keep your eyes open and your TiVo's primed! ;-D

Dr. Oz is a great advocate for alternative medicine. As an expert guest, he has been "rolfed" and had Oprah moaning in delight when he did a foot reflexology demonstration for the audience. I'm hoping that this continues on his new show.

I hope you tune in...I occassionally watch "The Doctors" TV show. Their views of alternative medicine are hit and miss. Some days they like it, other days they don't. Most of the time they haven't experienced the therapy they are commenting on. They must have been receiving audience criticism for their views...I've noticed that they are "trying" some of the things they are talking about. Hey--how about some belly-dancing aerobics? Anyone???

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Who is Kevin Kunz?
Hi Ruth,
Kevin and his wife Barbara Kunz are reflexologists, authors and teachers of all things reflexology. If you "Google" them, you will find that they have written several books (one of them my textbook) and have a few Reflexology information websites. One I can remember off the top of my head is They travel around the world teaching and promoting reflexology.
I hope this helps!
--Kim :-)

Ruth M. Schopper-Hughes said:
Who is Kevin Kunz?

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