massage and bodywork professionals

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RESEARCHING THE RESEARCH - what are the challenges, obstacles and questions?

I'm throwing this thread up as a method of us helping one another.

I'm sure many of us are like me and new to the whole area of research literacy. In the most recent edition of Massage Today Ruth Werner addresses research, it's importance is also addresses the need for research literacy. She also provides some good links which every therapist should consider bookmarking. This is one area in which we can be proactive in educating ourselves.

In another thread some starting points were given, and so I will put them on here again:

Here is a good intro article on research literacy and here is another
Other articles can be found here

This is the anatomy of a research article

For a starter book on understanding research consider:
Making Sense of Research by Martha Brown Menard

and if you want to get more into the detail of research methodology, then:
Research Methods for Massage and Holistic Therapies by Glenn Hymel

So lets help each other get our heads around finding, interpreting and critiquing the research.

Throw your questions up on this thread and hopefully the more research "literate" amongst us will help out!

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OK, so as an aid to help people in finding research, the squirrel is putting together a series of wee videos to help people. The first one is here.
The site that it's referring to is and the link page for handy reference to the database search tools is here.
This vid isn't of great quality and there's parts of it that are downright "wonky" since the narration doesn't match what's going on in the screen, but forgive the imperfections! The NEXT VIDEO will be MUCH more groovy and it will have some humor in it. This first one may well put you to sleep.
YES, the squirrel has an awful accent. I've tried to get rid of it, but I can't. (My Mum says it's because I don't listen).
You have done a great job of opening up a venue for those not involved in research, the chance to learn how, in a very understandable video. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing this with all of us! Please share all of these instrumental videos you can produce. I will also share them with the troops at Massage News! And the accent makes it all the better!

Vlad said:
OK, so as an aid to help people in finding research, the squirrel is putting together a series of wee videos to help people. The first one is here.
The site that it's referring to is and the link page for handy reference to the database search tools is here.
This vid isn't of great quality and there's parts of it that are downright "wonky" since the narration doesn't match what's going on in the screen, but forgive the imperfections! The NEXT VIDEO will be MUCH more groovy and it will have some humor in it. This first one may well put you to sleep.
YES, the squirrel has an awful accent. I've tried to get rid of it, but I can't. (My Mum says it's because I don't listen).
Thanks, Mike!
It's really nice of you to share the info - I'm chuffed!

There are parts of it that are cringe-worthy since they're so out of whack, but this first one was me getting used to the tool - the next ones will be more interesting. And cool.
Please keep up this "step by step approach" and you will have done such a great service for all those therapists really searching to understand research. Your pace is perfect for beginners and almost all of us are at massage research.

Vlad said:
Thanks, Mike!
It's really nice of you to share the info - I'm chuffed!

There are parts of it that are cringe-worthy since they're so out of whack, but this first one was me getting used to the tool - the next ones will be more interesting. And cool.
Brilliant Vlad! I really enjoyed the video. You've been working hard; impressive.
I agree. Terrific work.
I just uploaded a new one since I made a booboo on something in the first one that was irking me.

So this second one is a bit better - not perfect, but I'm not going to let the booboos in it annoy me - I'll move on to the next one.
Vlad, this work is awesome!! Your most valuable contribution to our field is appreciated more than you will ever know ~ and especially by people like me who hadn't a clue where to begin looking. Thank you.
Aw - thanks Marilyn.
To be honest this first one is a bit boring. I plan on having some humor in the next ones and some pictures of Brad Pitt, Gerard Butler and Steve Buscemi (some of us have different tastes than others) just to keep it interesting.

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