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What kind of sheets do you use? I use deluxe cotton flannel sheets, but thinking of switching to poly blend ones. Just curious.

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I purchased new sets of organic cotton flannel (flat, fitted, and cradle cover) by Body Linen from I had used another source last year and the fit was close for the fitted sheet on the 3" depth of my table and with shrinkage the fit was too tight (mistake on my part when I dried on setting other than low). I use a homemade laundry detergent using Dr Bronner's baby castille bar soap, washing soda, borax, baking soda, and oxiclean and the linens stay soft, lubricant free (I use only shea butter), and unscented. My clients are noticing that these linens are even softer and warmer than the previous ones.

I have some poly blend sheets and it seems like oil doesn't come out of them as easily as 100% cotton.

Delux flannel only.  I was thinking about switching too, until I went to get a massage for myself and they used lightweight cotton/poly--it was SO not cozy (chilly, even) so I decided against it.
cool, so not switching completely. maybe just for summer!
Also, what kinds of detergents do you use? i have been just using tide, as i use it for everything in my laundry basket unrelated to massage, too. it has worked so far quite nicely. i do use dawn as a pretreat for cresent cover for makeup release.
thanks for all the feedback!
Be careful with using Tide. There are many people who are allergic to some of the ingredients in Tide and the last thing you want is your client breaking out in hives because of the sheets. So if you are just bound to the Tide brand, maybe try switching to the FREE & Clear version. I don't know if it has the same allergenic ingredients or not, but surely it has less.

Michelle Batac said:
cool, so not switching completely. maybe just for summer!
Also, what kinds of detergents do you use? i have been just using tide, as i use it for everything in my laundry basket unrelated to massage, too. it has worked so far quite nicely. i do use dawn as a pretreat for cresent cover for makeup release.
thanks for all the feedback!
I haven't had a problem yet with tide... Thanks a lot for that comment! I used to use Downey, bad idea! Free and clear huh? Maybe I will try that! Thanks.

Another option for detergent is Always Fresh, it's made for releasing oils from massage linens. Any Poly blend will hold onto oils and your sheets will turn rancid...had a massage not long ago and the sheets were awfully rancid, next time I went, I brought my own and a bottle of Always Fresh for her 'tip'...

I also use organically grown cotton, it's especially wonderful for the clients with any skin sensitivities or allergies, super soft and even though they are a bit more expensive, you don't have to buy new ones as often! They last 3-4 times longer than conventional cotton...check out my website:


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