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So I moved into this room that was perfect at the time. Quiet, plenty of space, and easy to find. It was great. The landlords let me know that they wanted buisnesses that were quiet and have turned some away cause they may make too much noise.

It was great for a few months. Then they brought in hair stylists. I let them know my concerns. My last location had hair stylists and even though they were relativly quiet, the industry is completely different from ours. Talking is encouraged. But they moved them in anyways and a few of them are in the room right next to mine. (Ugg)

They do try to stay quiet. They ask how the noise is, but being in the room next to mine, there is only so much that can be done. I told them try not talking right outside my door. That really seems to help. But some voices carry more than others and when kids come it's a whole other story. I try to discourage bringing kids.

Mostly what I'm getting at is is there a way I can soundproof a massage room? A room that is already built so I can't put stuff in the walls (that's mostly what I'm finding) plus looks professional. Spa like. Cause those foam matts on the wall will not do. I have white noise, a water fountain, and of course music. It does help but I would like it a little more quiet in the room. Like I said, some voices carry more than others. So at times it's still too much noise. Any suggestions?

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With landlord approval, you can have insulation blown into the walls. The just cut a hole the size of a vaccuum hose and blow in the filler. Then it is a simple drywall patch and paint job.

This is a construction issue. R&R has a good suggestion, though you said you "can't put stuff in the walls". 

The wall acts like a sound-board. There are contractors who specialize in sound remediation. So you probably need to find a builder who can put up another layer of  wall covering that is de-coupled from the existing wall so sound isn't transmitted through it.

Another aspect of sound is that it leaks through gaps in walls and ceilings like cold air in a New England winter. A builder can look and see what needs to be sealed in your space.

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