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I recently started working with a physician, who has a  wooden massage table that I am to work with.  A section of the table can be raised so that a patient can sit up, and there is a wooden shelf built in underneath the table. The problem is that it squeaks terribly. I feel like I am in a creaky boat! I have asked him what can be done, and we have tried tightening the screws, and made the mistake of greasing it with a silicone product recommended by some well-meaning employees at Lowe's, but to no avail. In fact, in researching this I see that lubricating is not recommended for wood. The physician wants to WD 40 it and I said absolutely not ( smell and no ventilation, and it is bad for the wood.) I offered to bring in my own table, but he refuses, saying the table was expensive ( I don't know how old it is,nor can I find a company name on it) and he has no where to put it. So, I need some help here. I have heard that felt placed in-between the wooden pieces may help. Does anyone else have an idea, please? Thanks in advance!


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Can you figure out where the squeak is coming from? I was going to suggest something like the felt you mentioned. I would definitely try to put something in there to eat up the sound.

Thanks for replying, David. No, cannot really identify source. Looks like felt may be it. Does anyone else have an idea?

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