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I've been asked to mentor a 14 yr old girl in how to manage her energy field. Several of my reiki associates feel that this is a bad idea because they have not learned to controal their egos at this age. I want to teach her because she is experiencing asbergers, turretts and possibly some degree of autism. I believe that if she can learn to ground and center she can better manage her symptoms. I would like to speak with any energy worker who has experience with teens and or children who experience asbergers, turretts, and autism.

Jennifer Ann

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I have been working with this young lady in a regular basis since my original post. I am pleased to report that she has gone from attending an alternative school 2 grade levels behind to a regular High School Fall of 2010 as a Freshman. She is off most of her meds, social interactions are getting "easier" (considering she is a teenager) and is getting good grades. I am delighted to watch her grow into a beautiful person who is more confident and centered within herself. We are still working on the intensity of her energy field toward other people. There is still a tendency to overpower those around her. Now she is consciously aware of this. She is showing a suprising fearlessness and willingness to improve her life that I greatly admire. I am looking forward to attending her High School graduation in a few years.

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