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I have a client who has problems going on.  But I am unable to make progress because he is so hyper sensitive.  Story is this......  he is a big guy.  Tall and heavy.  He fell asleep after a night of partying in the bathtub.  Head resting on the side/back of tub. Needless to say His neck and shoulders are bothering him.  Main discomfort is on the left side.  I found HT-L Traps 1, 2, & 3, levator scap, rhomboids, SCM.  He has many TrP's.  But just a light touch to his shoulder makes him flinch so much that I am barely able to apply lotion.  Tried heat prior to work. Some help but not much.  I have tried some myofascial starting on opposite side but again, I can barely touch him w/o causing pain and guarding.  I can get him to somewhat relax if I spend time on the right side and slowly incooperate the left.  (almost sneaking it in)


He also has pain in the low back that is unrelated to upper body. He was walking down the stairs and fell.  Landed on his back/butt.  His low back is tight and painful.  No pain in the glutes or down the legs.  He has HT R QL, Glute Med and Lat.  Again, he is hyper-sensitive.  Guarding.   I found a few TrP's in the QL that I was able to address.  And did a little work on Glute Med.  I felt I made some progress until I got to the Lat.  I did a little finger drag from the spine to the ribs.  Basically searching for anything tight.  This slight touch made him feel as if I was jabbing a knife in his ribs??? 


The Chiropractor did some assessment tests on him for signs of a fracture.  And she felt that he didn't break anything. 


I am not sure how to approach the next session.  Suggestions appreciated!! 

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Aloha Jimswife,

Thanks for asking, and thanks for being a healer seeking help.


Here's what has worked for me.

Connect with the sensitive part of him as a positive attitribute.  (Believing  that his sensitivity is a problem may be contributing to your difficulty.) 

Remember that touch is two way.  You are touching him and he is touching you.

Get him to feel rather than react.   We can't guard and feel at the same time.  If you get him to feel, it will bypass his guarding reflex.  Here's one way to get him to feel:

Have your client sit in a common chair and settle you hands on his shoulders.  Ask him to feel his shoulders feeling your hands.  Now, allow your hands to be felt.  Notice what that feels like.  Ask him to use his breath to come up through his shoulders and touch your hands - even energetically push your hands away.  Then ask him to use just enough breath to gently touch your hands.  Finally, ask him to use his shoulder to massage your hands. Continue as long as you both enjoy this.

Then move on to another place and repeat.  Of course, you can do this same process with him lying down if you prefer.

I recommend you explore this process on yourself first before using it with your clients.  Place your hands on you quads and proceed to get your quad to feel your hand and your hand to allow itselt to be felt as described above - using breath, etc.  

Once you win his body's trust using this gentle technique, you may be able to continue with some of the other massage you normally use. 


Please let me know if you try this.  I'm interested to hear your stories.



Barbara Helynn Heard

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