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Two Free eBooks that Every Massage Therapist Should Read


These were posted on another thread as information on the basics of critical thinking skills and research methods.  Both are free.  One of them is in *the Queen's English*, so you'll see words like "Randomisation" instead of "Randomization", but it's an easy read and is meant for consumers of health services:

(you'll need to download this one, but it's OK - no viruses!)


The other one is on critical thinking skills and it is also an easy read:


Some might find them boring - they're not about massage, but they are about subjects in which all of us (not just massage therapists) should be familiar. 


Take a book, take a chapter a day and have a wee think.  I guarantee you'll be better off for it.




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Oh good - I'm glad you liked them!
For all who have posted links to critical thinking resources, Thanks!  This was not something that was covered in school, and I didn't have the opportunity to do a 4 year college. I've been considering getting more involved in research, but felt out of my depth.

EEk!!!   Chinese????

Not sure what happened there......


Here is the book:



I edited the link on the main post too, so no one will have that issue!

Thanks for drawing it to my attention!!!!


And thanks, Kay, for your comment.  One thing I will point out is that if someone has a 4 year college degree doesn't necessarily mean that they have good critical thinking skills.  In fact, weak CTS will sometimes be witnessed in those that have one who believe that they know more than they really do. 

There is now a research literacy course available that you can read about here:

I think it's pretty cool that a percentage of the proceeds goes to the MTF.


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