massage and bodywork professionals

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I am wondering about work hours and breaks. And amount of time between clients. Do you work in a spa, doctors office, health club or self-employed? And what hours do you usually work before taking a break or calling it a day. (Set schedule?) meaning do you work like 9-3 and have massages scheduled back to back for those hours or have a scheduled break after a few hours? And how much time do you have between clients?

What would be your ideal work schedule? Hours, time between clients and breaks?

If you do work in a spa or other office do you get any discounts on services or products?

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My ideal work day is six treatments per day, with 15 minutes between each and a 1.5-2 hour break after the third treatment.  I had this schedule at what was my favorite job, and it was great!  I don't like back-to-back schedules because it's great to be able to move around or stretch a bit, have a quick snack for energy and/or a drink of water, be able to do client notes immediately following the treatment so no info is forgotten, get the room ready for the next client, and get yourself grounded again.

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