massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I enjoy my work but it isn't providing the income that I used to generate. After watching many of my fellow workers go bankrupt.. I realized the laments of fellow therapists is basically the same.... we take care of others we hear aches and pains of others and as we help them our own concerns are overlooked.
I like to feel comfortable while the economy does its turn around.
In an effort to become proactive in a climate that is cutting business and commerce..

I like to put this out to the massage community as well as others that this resonates with.
Together we can find some answers. Complaining just doesn't work ...but think of this.
. Capitalism a Love affair...Michael Moore
described a bread factory where workers got together and were making $ 60,000 a year because they got a share of the profits.
Highly trained professionals like Pilots who fly our planes are ... making less than half what these factory workers are!

This inspired me to reach out to therapists and other professionals ..
Most people in our field want our clients to find Health..
therefore this aryuvedic Health drink endorsed by Deepak Chopra. very appealing.. I believe this is MY Health-care Insurance because I don't have any.
I want to create a path from "what is" to" what can be."
Here is my Idea... if we all do it together it will definitely work.. I can't do it without helping you and you can't do it without helping me.
I want this to be our " Union ".. not against things but for things..a positive one.
The reality is .Most are fearful of the minimum $120 auto-ship per month ..although it can be stopped anytime.
The better reality is we are a large community. Getting ourselves organized 10 at a time before enrolling is key...This can give us a rather nice extra income per month and free auto-ship. .not to mention the $5,000 bonus check when we collectively reach a certain volume.
But that is only a drop in the bucket compared to where it can go.

I'm going to Quote Deepak Chopra
."When you feel a new impulse, an uplifting thought ,an insight that you have never acted upon, embrace the unknown. Cherish it as tenderly as a newborn child, God lives in the unknown and when you can embrace it fully, YOU Will Be Free!

..Its a vortex spinning into endless possibilities.
Call or E-mail;

727 866-9553

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