massage and bodywork professionals

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Hi all! 

I've started looking into volunteering with a local hospice program. Has anyone here volunteered with hospice? I'm interested to hear any feedback or advice.


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I recently had Hospice send me out an application to volunteer.  I have not sent it back yet but will let you know how things go if I decide to do it. 

I volunteer at a hospice carecenter,they bring patients in from home and I work with patients in the care center. It is a very rewarding experience. The patients are very grateful for the sessions I do. I practice Reiki and do hand and foot massages. Most in hospice care center patients are not up to a full body massage, they are too weak and their skin is compromised with age and illness. If you have never worked with the sick and dying it might not be for you. I asked a younger massage therapist to volunteer and she told me "old people scare me" if this is the case don't volunteer. But if you are compassionate and caring and want to work with the ill and dying then I say go for it!! I love it.

it's a great place to give your time professionally and personally. that said, we often recommend volunteering where your end goals/objectives are also aligned and can be met

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