massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I know, I'm nosey. I was a travel writer.


For six years, I got to travel to Bed & Breakfasts and get massages, all for free, and write about it. So my roots are in traveling, meeting people and hearing their stories. Now I travel around and do The World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.

I found the adjustment to a single location massage establishment, inside a strip mall, very confining. So I started a way to stay "in the massage world and travel!" But that is another story!

What's your story? What did you do before massage? Tell us of your travels and what massage is like where you are, especially if you massage outside the U.S. We really like pictures, if possible.


If you get bored come see me at my page

Thanks and welcome to Massage Professionals!

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I spent 21 years in the U.S. Navy doing Bomb Disposal.
I am glad you are not doing that anymore! Your nerves are probably a little better too!

rudy m smith said:
I spent 21 years in the U.S. Navy doing Bomb Disposal.
Hi Phyllis,

Have you added Mattes' AIS to your tool chest. It sounds perfect for your background.

Phyllis Roy said:
I was a personal trainer specializing in senior fitness. When we moved to another state, I decided since I would have to rebuild my clientele from scratch, it would be a good time to add massage to my repertoire After 7 years, I focus exclusively on massage and enjoy every minute :-)
Hard to be grounded, flying around the world. Glad to have you with us Lelaine

I just started and I still work for a major airline...With the flexiblity it gives me I am able to continue to pursue my massage career...
I juggled hours between dietary work, laundry and housekeeping in a local nursing home - something I knew I might not have minded doing fresh out of high school but knew I wouldn't want to be retiring from.
Hi Tige,

Well, you are definitely skilled in enough areas that you will be fine. If you put the same effort forward to progress with massage, you will be a fantastc therapist. Good luck and if you should need help, just holler!

Tige' Miller said:
Massage therapy has always been my calling. Before the age of 10, I knew that I wanted to become a massage therapist but didn't finally pursue my dream until 2008 & finishing school in June of this year. I have a bachelor's degree in Agriculture Business but didn't go into the field. Even during school, I would sometimes massage a couple of my classmates shoulder's & even then, they told me I was in the wrong field. After school, I stayed in banking & then that progressed onto many other fields such as: purchasing (absolutely loved this job), accounts payable/receivable, customer service, student loans, administrative work & finally insurance. I really enjoy the insurance industry & it is not rocket science to figure out either...Currently, I am doing massage therapy fulltime & love it. Timing is everything. Even though I wish I had ventured into massage years ago, God told me when it was time to go & am so very glad I did. I truely enjoy helping people......Me & massage therapy are one. I am looking forward to the journey ahead with massage & am very excited.
Nate, I bet you have the best smelling lobby, in the business. Coffee, cookies and massage are a great combination! I always had homemade cookies in my lobby, with different teas. People loved it!

Nate Ewert said:
I was a Barista! I worked for my parents coffee shop until it finally went under after five years. It was then I decided I better find a good career. I liked working with my hands and had always gave massages to friends and family. It was after I got through an entire employment section and realized there was nothing for me, when I saw an add for massage school. I started three weeks later.
Before joining the the massage therapist community, I was a corporate R&D chemist for 28 years. I loved the work, but always thought about becoming a massage therapist. About eight years ago, the time was right, I joined the ranks and here I am today, happy in my new direction. Needless to say, I take a very scientific approach to bodywork.
I was and still am active duty military...Navy
We are proud of you! Are you stateside? Do you massage on base?

Quincy Brown said:
I was and still am active duty military...Navy
I was a special education teacher for 16 years. I got tired of being the bad guy in one way or another... There is no way to keep everyone happy in the education arena. After getting massages to help me deal with the stress of my job, I too, like so many others, had an epiphany.. I could be happy doing this for a living. My children thanked me everyday for a year after I quit my teaching job and became an LMT!!!! If I never earn another penny, it would have been worth it. I worked in a health and fitness club for 5 years and put my teaching background to good use while picking the brains of PT's, exercise physiologists, nurses, doctor's, surgeons, sports enthusiasts and most importantly regular clients. Now I am launching my own business in my hometown.
Ann, you are a remarkable woman. I am glad you "saw the light". Welcome to a much better world!!!

Anne Hagan said:
I was a special education teacher for 16 years. I got tired of being the bad guy in one way or another... There is no way to keep everyone happy in the education arena. After getting massages to help me deal with the stress of my job, I too, like so many others, had an epiphany.. I could be happy doing this for a living. My children thanked me everyday for a year after I quit my teaching job and became an LMT!!!! If I never earn another penny, it would have been worth it. I worked in a health and fitness club for 5 years and put my teaching background to good use while picking the brains of PT's, exercise physiologists, nurses, doctor's, surgeons, sports enthusiasts and most importantly regular clients. Now I am launching my own business in my hometown.

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