massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I know, I'm nosey. I was a travel writer.


For six years, I got to travel to Bed & Breakfasts and get massages, all for free, and write about it. So my roots are in traveling, meeting people and hearing their stories. Now I travel around and do The World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.

I found the adjustment to a single location massage establishment, inside a strip mall, very confining. So I started a way to stay "in the massage world and travel!" But that is another story!

What's your story? What did you do before massage? Tell us of your travels and what massage is like where you are, especially if you massage outside the U.S. We really like pictures, if possible.


If you get bored come see me at my page

Thanks and welcome to Massage Professionals!

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I was a City Bus Driver. Before that I worked with Kids in many areas (VBS to Schools) and all ages. I do miss the Kids, but I love my work now.
Why not incorporate or specilize on kids in your practice. Many are starting to go this route. I think this may be a great way of helping address the stigma also. If kids grow up getting massage they won't think it weird as adults.
I would love to read some books and soon after that, I manage to relax with meditation so that, I can feel relaxed and calm and then I go to some massage center for Swedish massage.

massage tables
Glad you are here Tammy!

Tammy Wilson said:
I would love to read some books and soon after that, I manage to relax with meditation so that, I can feel relaxed and calm and then I go to some massage center for Swedish massage.

massage tables
I was a legal secretary/paralegal for a big law firm in downtown Denver for five years. Lost my sight, thus lost my job. Went to massage school because it looked interesting and something I could do with limited sight.
So glad you are here Susan! Keep the Faith!

Susan Clingman said:
I was a legal secretary/paralegal for a big law firm in downtown Denver for five years. Lost my sight, thus lost my job. Went to massage school because it looked interesting and something I could do with limited sight.
What a fantastic job that must have been!
Great to hear about the different avenues everyone has come from to now becoming a Massage Professional.
That was one of first things I picked up on also. And if you go back and check again, a high percentage was service oriented.

Sol Edwards said:
Great to hear about the different avenues everyone has come from to now becoming a Massage Professional.
Driving around the country just eating, sleeping and enjoying was fun. People loved to "virtually" travel with us. It was fun and if I wasn't doing the World Massage Festival would probably go back to a slower version of it. I called it Cruising America. I sold it and started a site called Stops Along The Way. I'm sure I will return to travelling more when someone else starts doing the Festival.

Erin Merelli said:
What a fantastic job that must have been!
I was a legal secretary/paralegal for 10 years. Had numerous eye surgeries (15 in all between 2000 and 2009), which led to losing my job. Decided to go to massage school because that was something I could do with limited sight (and I like helping people). Graduated from UCMT-Aurora, CO in March 2007. Been a solo since then. Just closed my office at a wellness center, and am searching for a new location.
Prior to my life as a massage therapist I was the business administrator for a neurologist. It is he who I have to thank for this career path. One day he came into my office and said "find out everything you can about holistic medicine". The journey began. My skills in business have helped me to be successful for the last 25 years. I attribute that foundation to all that has kept me going.

During this career span I have owned a massage school in New Jersey, training thousands of successful students.

Whenever I needed continuing education classes, I would love to travel to places I had not visited- this took me as far as South America for my Somato Emotional Release Class.

When I moved to Kauai, I got to do massage on the beach. Altho it sounds fabulous to receive it on the beach, it has its challenges for the therapist ;). Altho, the waves were beautiful to watch and it definitely slows you down.

As a continuing education provider at this stage in life, I continue to travel. I get to meet people all over the US and next year France!!! (yippeee)

Massage has been an amazing career path. Filled with good friends, amazing students, fabulous clients and loads of JOY! I can't see myself anywhere else.

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