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As a current educator, I would eventually like to get into teaching at a massage school once I reach two years of experience. I disliked my time at my massage school more then I liked it. I am reaching out to the forum and asking you what were your likes and dislikes about your school experience?

My program was a 500 hour program that I attended four days a week for about 5 hours each day. It provided the basics but wasn't really challenging academically, though I guess it could be argued that massage school doesn't necessarily have to be accademically challenging.

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Hi Michael,
My first day of school was cool, I loved everything about my school, I actually had several instrcuctors who I felt were wonderful, very informed , and really had great teaching practices. I felt very fortunate to have gone to the school that I did, and met the people that I did. I came from a very small class, and so I felt very close to my friends and instructures. I miss them even today. Luckily my classmates got to meet for a reunion this past August. As you read the different threads you see a lot of comments of what should have been taught in school, and a lot of it I did learn.
My school was a 700 Hour program, though I was only required in my state to recieve 500 hours, to take my test to get licensed, I found that I would enjoy the extra classes that were offered. I have been practicing for almost 2 years and have never thought about doing anything else though I am getting continued education especially from the wonderful people that I have met from this site there , is so much info here its incredible and I have noticed for the most part that people do not mind sharing their opinons. Accademically challenging, sometimes and I will not sit here and tell you that I did not stay up late at night and drink lots of coffee and study hard, because I did, and fortunatly it all made since. I look forward to seeing everyone in the future from school and I really look forward to meeting new friends at my future CE classes and especially the World Massage Festival. Peace Travis
Depends where you go to school. I attended school, and taught in Ontario, Canada. Our courses are approx 2200 hours, done over a period of either two or three years. They are extremely challenging academically! The science courses are very in-depth.

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