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Hey everyone!

I primarily live in Chicago but I travel to Arizona at least once a month to visit my family, especially during the winter, and I really want to start working in Arizona.  I already got my license in IL and AZ and I specialize in rehabilitation and ortho in chicago.  SO my question is (1) does anyone else to this? (2) how did you do it?!?

Even if you haven't any advice and/or comments are most appreciative!!!! 


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Me again Courtney!  One of my teaching assistants works in Colorado, Arizona, and Montana.  She has lived in Colorado for decades.  We have registration as opposed to licensing and it is easy to do.  Background check, fingerprints, 500-hour cert and you are good to go.  When she applied to get license in AZ, with over 25 years experience, they made her jump through major hoops.  She had to take the NCE, then because she graduated from my school, I had to write them a letter explaining our curriculum, she then had to get several letters to prove her CE's.  They told her they license graduates from an AZ school immediately, but people who graduated in other states have a much more difficult time.  It took 6 months.  So, how difficult it is depends on the states you want to work in.  She eventually got licensed in AZ and now works in all 3 states.

WOW!!  I am in the process of applying right now in AZ.  I did all the background check and fingerprinting....already.  I'm already licensed in FL, CO, and IL.  I move a lot! lol Because I am licensed do you think it would be easier?  When I went to the actual Arizona Massage Therapy Board they made it sound easy BUT we all know how that goes!  

She thought the same thing. Easy! Should be fine as long as you are patient and in no hurry. She eventually got licensed.

Awesome!!!  Patiences isn't one of my stronger attributes!!  Especially when it comes to things like this.  

It can be done for sure. as long as you are determined and have patience as Dawn said. I work in the UK and commute between London and other cities when I need to. An I am licensed for UK and Ireland.

Mona, in a thread you began on Saturday, you didn't identify yourself as a licensed massage therapist.  The comment I posted to the thread obviously was not intended for someone with your education and experience.  But the gist of my comment still holds. 

In the US, in the 35 regulated states, you must attain licensure in order to provide professional massage.  Many of the remaining 15 states exert a degree of control via city/county business permit/license.

Most states accept licensing in other regulated states that require equal or greater number of school credit hours when the hours verified by an official school transcript,  a copy of the existing license(s)-- and the license fee of course.   Oops, almost forgot.  The above only applies if the applicant passed either the NCBTMB board certification exam  or the MBLEX exam.

Note that joint effort of all MT membership organizations, including ABMP, AMTA, NCBTMB and FSMTB) recently established 625 as the bare minimum number of hours necessary. so if your credits are less than  that, and you intend to become licensed in another state, you shouldn't wait too long.

Dawn, your friend with 25 years experience had trouble becoming licensed in AZ?...could that be due to her  school not having obtained the "proper" accreditation?

Yep, sorry, things are a bit different in the UK. It's much simpler to get licensed here I understand. I talked to some friends and one license can cover more than one district. And Yes, I don't have a license yet, I'm in the process of getting one in the UK.


here in "the greatest nation on Earth", many things need to be improved.  LMT licensing is one of them

Have you checked into Reciprocity rules? Not all States have this, but those that do allow for an easy transition if you have an active license in your current State.

I have all my documentation in order and they said the only thing they are waiting on is my background check.  I applied with the Reciprocity rule BUT the only thing that worries me is I graduated in 2005 with 658 hours and AZ required 700 from the school.  With that said I am above and beyond CEU credits and specialize in sports medicine which has given me numerous hours and education so I'm not sure.  I have tried communicating with them my concerns and they just tell me to wait and all they need is a background check to come through.  I am active in IL still too. 

 Is there anything else I should be doing?

Thanks for the info and Ana good luck with your licensing!!

Thanks Courtney!

Wish you al the best!

I live in the DC area but currently only have a Virginia Licenses as there is enough work this side of the river.  I may eventually get a DC and/or MD license as it will give me more flexibility.  I also have frail, elderly parents in Alabama so I have started the process to get a license there in case I need to be with them for an extended period. Problem is AL only reviews applications quarterly so it may take a while.

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