massage and bodywork professionals
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Ideas for blog content?Our free massage industry news and continuing education blog is up and running! Check us out :) What kinds of content… Started by Oakworks Massage Tables in Uncategorized |
0 | Jun 11, 2012 |
Massage for the common coldExercise and massage are said to have similar effects.Exercise is ok when you have a cold,massage is said to not be ok for a cold.Is there… Started by robert j mulcahy in Uncategorized |
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Jun 11, 2012 Reply by Bob |
Massage in hospital settingsdoes anyone have experience with doing massage in a hospital setting? starting up? billing? Started by Kathy Starr in Uncategorized |
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Jun 11, 2012 Reply by Bob |
Help with a survey to improve relaxation/spa services!Hello guys! First of all I'm new to this and I don't know if these kind of posts are allowed here. I'm doing a market research to impro… Started by Laura in Marketing ideas/questions |
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Jun 10, 2012 Reply by Laura |
Help Starting a Massage Therapy Co-opSo, a group of us are interested in starting a co-op for therapist, and I would love to pick the brain for someone who has started one. I… Started by Jack Bales in Marketing ideas/questions |
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Jun 8, 2012 Reply by Bob |
Soaping ProgramI just joined a Chiropractor who has now expanded to add 1 LMP (me). We were discussing some digital soaping programs but didn't really kno… Started by Cydney Hite in Business advice |
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Jun 6, 2012 Reply by Cydney Hite |
I don't know about you guys, but I'm always shocked this time of year to see how many golfers are coming in with low back pain.Recent stats: 53 percent of male and 45 percent of female golfers suffer low back pain; 30 percent of professional golfers play injured; 3… Started by Erik Dalton, Ph.D. in Bodywork technique/modality |
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Jun 6, 2012 Reply by Therese Schwartz |
Partnering with a natural foods store or a golf course/tournament?We had a member call who's interested in partnering with a grocery or natural foods store, or a golf course/tournament for the upcoming Eve… Started by Abram Herman in General questions |
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Jun 1, 2012 Reply by Relax & Rejuvenate |
Diabetic ClientsSo I just gave a one hour deep tissue/medical massage to a new client that is type 1 Diabetic. After the session she had a few dizzy spells… Started by Trina Throckmorton in Uncategorized |
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May 31, 2012 Reply by Novlette G Barnes |
Muscle release techniqueMichael Young Muscle Release technique workshop? I am curious if anyone has attended or purchased the DVD set? Or have you heard anything… Started by Jimswife in Uncategorized |
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May 30, 2012 Reply by Gordon J. Wallis |
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