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So here's your chance to weigh in on your favorite or not so favorite Pregnancy Massage Products.  Favorite lotions or cremes to tables and positioning systems.  NO ADVERTISERS PLEASE

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Hi Rick,
I use Biotone Organic Cream on my prenatal clients because it is not nut-based and is paraben-free. I also use a prenatal table with a pillow for added support and comfort for their uterine ligaments and then bolsters that were included in my CE materials from Judith Koch's program when I trained to become a Certified Massage Doula. I utilize the prone, side-lying and semi-seated positions during my sessions as long as my clients are comfortable with those positions. I have worked this way for years with the blessing of several midwives, nurses and OBs in my area and continue to receive many referrals from them.
I use Essential Organics Lavender oil and Biotone's Organic Cream. I have changed my entire practice to organic products only. I do wonder though about using Biofreeze. Not necessarily on the clients but I plan on having a family soon and I wonder if using the products on clients will affect me and my child once I'm pregnant?


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