massage and bodywork professionals

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Either I am not seraching the internet correctly, or I am very surprised that in this electronic age with the proliferation of apps for massage therapists and other healthcare practioners that customizable (to your specific practice) online intake forms that can be filled in online and submitted back to your practice are not readiy available. If I had a great deal more talent in the IT industry I would sure be jumping on the band wagon. I dream of having one online form that is customaizable to my practice (as far as logo and needs) and can be used comprehensively. By this I mean that if the client clicks "Yes" to being diagnosed with TMJ Disorder, a NEW subset of questions pops up specific to TMJD for the client to complete. Does anything like this exist? I've looked at a number of "fillable pdf" programs, apps, etc. but none were easy enough for me (with my lack of IT programming knowledge) to customize and include "special circumstance" submenus for issues like TMJD.

Has anyone ever found great forms like I am looking for? Does anyone have an IT geek you can convence to creat such a beast??

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I have been researching the same thing - I think one of the issues is HIPAA - there are very stringent security/ encryption requirements and hosting companies seem wary of taking these on.  I am in Australia where we have similar laws, but not exactly the same, and have been trying to get a form designed for online use, and there are lots of aspects to consider regarding privacy of clients etc.

Makes sense. Didn't think of that. Well, Google needs to get on it then! :-)

I am using a system that offers online forms that can be customized.  There is a free version if  you are an AMBP member. It's called massage book.  As an AMBP member I am only paying $12.00 a month, or there about for it.  It has tons of other things as well.


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