massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

The Ariana Institute in Austin, Texas and Newton Paskin from San Francisco, CA

Throughout her career, Ariana Vincent has seen massage therapy evolve into a respected form of therapy and a robust profession. Ariana began practicing Massage Therapy 32 years ago and began teaching 14 years ago. She now teaches over 33 massage therapy continuing education courses, including courses on prenatal and trauma massage.

"When I first started, all that was required was to hang up your shingle and call yourself a massage therapist," recalls Ariana, "Now there's a deepening of respect from the medical community as well as scientific data that backs up the benefits of massage."

The Ariana Institute provides live and online continuing education courses to massage therapy practitioners across the country. Ariana also participates in certification and policy bodies on the local, state, and national level to advocate for her profession. She says "serving on boards is a way to give back to the community and be a voice for integrity."

As teacher, practitioner, marketer, bookkeeper, and every other role that comes with owning a business, Ariana is able to satisfy diverse interests. She says, "I enjoy the blending of the cognitive and the kinesthetic, it keeps me fresh and excited."

When Ariana joined MicroMentor, she was already a seasoned business owner, but still needed to expand her reputation as an educator and leader. She met Newton Paskin, a Brazilian-American and an accomplished operating business executive coming from the world of corporate high-tech.

"I was with some spare time and a little bit unhappy with my work environment," remembers Newton, "Then I met Ariana on MicroMentor. She did for me as much as I could have possibly done for her. It was unbelievable the uplifting she did to my life."

Newton and Ariana established great rapport. They immediately commenced goal-setting, and spoke for hours every week. Newton planted seeds that eventually led to the establishment of the Ariana Institute and participation on national governing bodies.

"Everything I told her, she multiplied by 100. Her energy was unbelievable," Newton shares, "With Ariana, her business is her life. It proved to me that the theories of big business can be applied to small business. In small business as well, you can change the industry and influence policy."

Like other successful matches on MicroMentor, trust and motivation to complete action steps were essential to Newton and Ariana's success.

"Newton lit a fire in me and fanned the flames of my excitement," Ariana says, "The fact that we were going to be talking every Friday helped keep me focused and productive."

Ariana believes deeply in the power of networking. She enlisted the support of an MBA team from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas. She has also built a formidable circle of support: 34 people in her life with diverse backgrounds who guide her ongoing development.

"Mentoring is essential. I won't always agree with my mentors, but it's good to have an objective third party to share insights with," reflects Ariana.

"Meeting Newton on MicroMentor was one of the best things that ever happened to me."

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