massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

If you were at your home and you had to do a massage in the next hour, and realized you were totally out of all of your oils, creams, etc. what would you find around your house to do your massage?

Second question: If you were stranded on a beautiful tropical deserted island and had no access to your oils and creams, what in nature would you use to do a massage?

(I am smiling because I know we are an awesome group of professionals and we are serious about our work, but I also know this may have been a difficult year in a lot of ways, so time for a little laugh and fun. What do you say? (smile)

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Good ol' organic sesame oil works best for me. If I truly had nothing, I would go the tui na/shiatsu route: no need for oils, just pressure. Happy New Year!
Oh wow. Good for you! Love the picture of you and your pooch! Happy New Year!

Greg Lewerenz said:
Good ol' organic sesame oil works best for me. If I truly had nothing, I would go the tui na/shiatsu route: no need for oils, just pressure. Happy New Year!
Hmmm, let's see for me since I do a lot of relaxation massage I would pull out my bottle of pure Johoba oil or get that olive oil from above the stove!
Olive Oil could work or corn starch, and I have used baby oil when I am in a real bind
I tend to agree with Greg's response earlier re Shiatsu as a substitute for lack of oils. I would also add that Reiki (Energy Balancing) could also be used. So depending on what the client would prefer, Pressure or no Pressure, I would proceed based on their response.
You can also use honey
W D -40,or Pledge, second question-after one week on the island with out any shampoo,I could just run my hands through my hair.Is that what you mean????????
Happy New Year to all!
Honey - tasty, fragrant, interesting workability - might just work! lol

Jessica Weagle said:
You can also use honey
Emma you have me falling out of my chair laughing! WD 40!

Emma Torsey said:
W D -40,or Pledge, second question-after one week on the island with out any shampoo,I could just run my hands through my hair.Is that what you mean????????
Happy New Year to all!
Ok so Emma’s response made me realize I needed to get a little bit more creative so I decided upon chocolate. Yes, chocolate. Not to eat it – no. I can melt it and use it for massage because here lately I have discovered that many of the resorts now offer an actual chocolate massage. Supposedly chocolate is great for the skin and senses. Go figure. And I always have some in my house.

I am signing off for the night but I wanted to say that I hope each one of you have a phenomenal, super prosperous New Year and I hope that many doors of opportunity swing wide open for you, unusual favor abounds toward you all, and that you reach the pinnacles of good health.

Carry on….
Two of my favorite massage techniques, Amma (Japanese acupressure) and Fijian Massage, require neither oils, creams, linens or even a massage table so I would be good! Fun question, thanks and here's to our prosperous 2010!
Answer to question # 1.
I would make sure the client did not have any allergic reactions to any of the oils I use for cooking, like EVOO, Coconut oil, sesame oil, etc..

Answer to question #2
I would do Shiatsu.


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