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Chronically overstretched muscles lead to dysfunction and week aberrated muscles leaving the opposing muscles to become tight as in a rolled forward pelvis posture and having week hamstrings and tight quads (simplified example). I am curious about Yoga and muscles becoming overstretched. Do they? or is this phenomenon limiter to under use of the muscles or prolonged "sitters" ? any comments?

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Hi, Matt
In my experience, Yoga is strenghtening, as well as lengthening. So, in answer to your question, if Yoga is done correctly (and I recommend doing it under the guidance of a trained instructor until you get the hang of it), there should be no problem with overstretching.

Generally speaking, when there is an imbalance of overstretched muscles vs. chronically tight muscles, it's usually because of poor posture or chronic overuse of some muscles and inactivity of others. Hope this helps.

Jackie McLaughlin, LMT, MTI
If you build the flexion of one muscle with-ought building the extension of the same muscle, you will have an out of balance muscle group which will create a dysfunction in support of the bone groups? This will assist in pulling the skeletal system out of position which will cause problems.

The same goes with stretching, when you stretch the muscle you are expanding and contracting the muscle fibers which will develop the muscle. When Yoga is guided by a well trained teacher, the muscles continue to develop in oppositions.

I hope this helped answer your questions on overstretching

Peaceful thoughts

Tharien C. Bramhall LC, PT, CMT,


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