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Evidence based massage therapy group


Evidence based massage therapy group

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This community fosters healthy exchange of knowledge and information and encourages the practice of evidence-based massage therapy based on credible research. Persons interested in higher education in this area might also benefit from being a member.

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Members: 210
Latest Activity: Mar 4, 2015

Articles and other resources

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Sicily statement on evidence-based practice - click here for full text

Introduction to evidence-based complementary medicine

Teaching first-year medical students to apply evidence-based practices to patient care.
This is a great article on implementation - click here for PDF

How to establish and encourage EBP - slide show

Giving the best to massage therapy patients - Evidence based massage therapy practice

Changing Times - Massage Therapy in primary health care

Evidence-Based Indications for Therapeutic Massage -abstract

Working in partnership to develop evidence-based practice within the massage profession - abstract

Discussion Forum

An eBook on Writing a Case Report 2 Replies

 I hope someone on this site is thinking of writing up a case report!If so, I wrote a wee eBook on what I went through, which also has resources which might help someone:…Continue

Tags: ebook, research, reports, case

Started by Vlad. Last reply by Vlad Apr 14, 2012.

A nice article on pain and massage 1 Reply

If you needed research evidence to accept massage as beneficial, how about this article?  Using…Continue

Started by Daniel Cohen. Last reply by Rick Johnson Jul 24, 2011.

Obstacles 20 Replies

What do you think is the major obstacle preventing massage therapy from becoming evidence based?

Started by BH. Last reply by Truc Dinh Dec 11, 2010.

Definately worth a read 3 Replies what you think ?Continue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Jason Erickson Sep 13, 2010.

Evidence-based massage therapy resources

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Comment by Jan Schwartz on July 15, 2009 at 3:53pm
This link is to Guided Imagery study results carried out by Duke University Medical Center and the VA. Shows you can, in fact, measure the non-tangible, seemingly unscientific outcomes of body/mind/spirit relationship, based on particular scales.

My understanding of this group is to talk about how we can encourage the practice of evidence based massage therapy, not argue it's merit, which is what we did in the forum. Please correct me if I'm wrong in this assumption Bodhi.
Comment by Carl W. Brown on July 14, 2009 at 9:33pm
Robin, I presume that by community you mean bodyworkers. I think that it will not help because of the move afoot to standardize all of bodywork. I believe that the big push for licensing is not to protect the public but to insure that everyone starts out with the same training and thinking. I also think that the people who support this feel that we need to look more like traditional medicine. So they fill the course with A & P that 99% of the MTs forget but in the process they instill a way of thinking that does not support EBMT. So polling the population will help because people who understand and use EBMT do so in spite of their basic training.
Jan, for me the obstacles were that I had to effectively unlearn my basic massage training. This is not to say that I don’t use A & P in my work. As a matter of fact I could teach it to most MTs. It is the fact that I don’t try of compete with medicine but rather use that knowledge to complement it. I start by listening to the client in was not are extra-rational and only then bring my knowledge into play.
I got into this work by taking a series of Lauren Berry courses. Each course covered one joint. One you completed the joint-by-joint training you moved on to a second level of training and an internship that consisted on working with your mentor and a series of workshops. It took me a lone time to realize that if I could not help people it was that I was trying too hard. I need to stop thinking of how to fix things and really listen.
It was only then that I started correlating the extra-rational perceptions with results.
I find that too often people in this business start feeling things that make no scientific sense and see that they correlate results, but instead of acknowledging that they are touching on things that cannot be scientifically explained and learn to work with is as a right-brained activity, they wrap it is some fanciful system just to get some type of explanation.
Comment by Robin Byler Thomas on July 14, 2009 at 8:43pm
I just read through all the comments on the orginal post regarding EBMT. I'm wondering if it might be a good idea for me to do a needs assessment of the ABMP members, in the form of a survey, regarding EBMT. One of the things I've learned in the public health program here at the U of A (MPH), is how important it is do have participatory inclusion of the community you're working with in doing research. The EBMT question posed has an active discussion forum with many good points brought up on either side of the debate. In my experience it pays to listen to the needs of the community and it would be very interesting to see where the majority is concerning EBMT. What do you all think?
Comment by Nate Ewert on July 14, 2009 at 7:20pm
Looks like some great minds here! I look forward to leaching as much info as possible.
Comment by Christopher A. Moyer on July 14, 2009 at 6:21pm
Greetings - don't know how active I'll be able to be here, but we'll see.
Comment by Jan Schwartz on July 14, 2009 at 5:29pm
Looking forward to interesting conversations here Bodhi. Your question is what are the obstacles to MT becoming EBP? I need to go back and read the guidelines for groups before I answer--don't want to get in trouble. Wait, why does that suddenly matter to me?
Comment by Erik Dalton on July 14, 2009 at 4:30pm
It seemed to have credibility til you joined Cliff...
Look forward to seeing you at AMTA a lot to catch up on..
Comment by Cliff Korn on July 14, 2009 at 4:23pm
Wow, good group so far! :)
Comment by Erik Dalton on July 14, 2009 at 4:10pm
Hey Bodhi:

Appreciate all you give to the manual therapy community. Keep the passion my friend...ERIK

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