massage and bodywork professionals

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The purpose of this group is to network and share information about legislation relating to massage therapy.

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Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2018

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Comment by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB on September 26, 2009 at 10:28pm
Dear Marissa -

In Texas a person can offer massage therapy under the umbrella of a chiropractor and not be required to be a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Do other members of this group have information to share along this vein regarding rules in your state?

Ariana Vincent, Ariana Institute, Austin, Texas

Marissa wrote:

It happened. It's official. Now anyone can perform massage under the direction of a physician/chiropractor, wether they actually be trained professionals or not. What does that say about our licenses, certifications, associations that we work so hard to maintain and acheive? True therapists know the importance of these things. Why are we even licensed if these laws can be so easily passed?
Comment by Marissa on September 26, 2009 at 8:48pm
It happened. It's official. Now anyone can perform massage under the direction of a physician/chiropractor, wether they actually be trained professionals or not. What does that say about our licenses, certifications, associations that we work so hard to maintain and acheive? True therapists know the importance of these things. Why are we even licensed if these laws can be so easily passed?
Comment by Marissa on August 25, 2009 at 6:43pm
Since this is all about legislation, you should look at the Illinois' SB318. If it happens here, it could happen anywhere.
Comment by Carl W. Brown on August 15, 2009 at 12:16pm
Mike, I think the best hope of portability is the question the need for hours. If the tests are really valid then why ask for hours? If the person tests well then it really does not make any sense to ask for hours except for the fact that the schools play a role in this.
We really don’t test the schools so they only represent a dollar barrier to entry in the profession.
Comment by Mike Hinkle on August 14, 2009 at 2:36pm
Thanks Carl, yeah, it's looking like we are going to have a lot of work to do. But we will persevere! I am working on Portabilty more these days. I think total reciprocity across the US is like trying to get reciprocity -"The Golden Rule" to be the law of all nations! Good Luck, with that, right?
Comment by Carl W. Brown on August 14, 2009 at 2:30pm
Mike, on your favorite legislation topic – reciprocity, it looks like California’s is only good until 2012. Stupid since there is no California school-accrediting agency (BPPVE) anymore. They will allow US DOE accredited schools but how many massage schools qualify? We also have to work on the “Certified Muscle Whisperer” status nationwide.
Comment by Mike Hinkle on August 14, 2009 at 1:29pm
lol Sounds great to me. It would intrigue a lot!
Comment by Carl W. Brown on August 14, 2009 at 1:08pm
What should I call it? “muscle whispering: going beyond the medical model”
Comment by Mike Hinkle on August 14, 2009 at 12:15pm
I really don't Carl. I would love to see such a group started that would really follow-up on their findings and share them. You would be the man to get it going. You have the contacts and I will help you get the word out there. What say ye?
Comment by Carl W. Brown on August 14, 2009 at 12:01pm
Mike you are right. I have seen silly CEs for nurses and doctors. CPAs are not required to stay current with tax law but enrolled agents are. I agree with you and Ariana that until you define the need for continuing education in a way that is bring a person current and that the currency needs hands on instruction I don’t see the problem with video courses.
I see education differently. First if education is not required it becomes a way to separate thouse who are really dedicated to their profession and thouse for whom it is just anther job. The other issue is that I have not found classes on right-brained learning. How can I get better at being able to “feel” pain and discomfort and how to I know what is real and what is just in my mind or a shared illusion between my patent and me?
Do you know of any classes on combining EBT and emphatic perception? This is the direction that I am now focusing but I am finding that may best source of training is coming from my clients.

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