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Thousands went to the Hawaiian Islands to learn Lomi from Auntie. We would ask those who can to share their photos and stories of their times with her through the years. So many therapists have asked me, "Who is she?" We will add these to the archives.

I only entered the field six years ago. She had stopped practicing and would not leave the island. Two of her daughters, Nerita and Lana came from Hawaii to Pensacola, FL at their own expense, to the first World Massage Festival to stand in for her. They gave me an original, Lei. It was made by Auntie of "Life Seed". I wear it every year and I tell the story, every year at the Hall of Fame Ceremony.

This year, we will do a photo tribute to Auntie in the program and on stage during the Hall of Fame Ceremony. We will have a sparklers show at the Bluegrass Jam. We will have a dove release at the closing ceremonies!


And we will have the Charter World Massage Festival Annual Aunty Margaret Humanitarian Award. The 2010 Award will be presented to Nina McIntosh of North Carolina.

Please share here what you can about your experiences and ideas how we can thank this wonderful spirit for all she did for us.

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This is wonderful Mike!

I did not have the honor of training with Auntie Margaret personally either.

I have been blessed with learning lomi on the islands and with several kumu's, however.

Auntie's gift of love was profound and is felt through all of us who follow our hearts.
She came to me two nights ago in a dream and this morning before I heard of the news of her passing, I was
compelled to dance hula and the flight. My heart knew.

Lomi changed my life! It wasn't the techniques. It was the true essence of Alo-Ha and the profound connection to God that I felt!

It is the powerful mana/energy and connections with the divine that have shifted and transformed
not only me, but every session I perform.

Recently, Kumu Brenda Ignacio said to me to continue my quest to train with the source as the elders
are passing on. I feel so blessed to have Brenda and Kumu Dane Silva contributing their wisdom and love for this hawaiian healing art with me on Kauai for the lomi training I am hosting. I can feel the power! I cannot wait to learn more.

Many of the books that Makana Chai and others wrote, like Kumu Harry Uhane's Wise Secrets of Aloha, etc., have provided additional wisdom and insights from the ancient teachings.

Living and learning on Hawaii has reminded me to "listen and observe", to stay connected to our earth and to keep our hearts open. I spent 3 years in solitude making this my practice on Kauai, so that I could heal. I would not have had this experience if life had not 'forced' me into a severe depression so that I may know more. My temple was rebuilt.

The blessings are many and everyone should have the experience of giving and receiving lomi. More than 10 years later from my first lomi training and almost 25 years in the healing arts, I still study and learn. Coming from a medical background and mindset, this was the gift I needed in my life to change my perception of true healing.

Auntie Margaret and all those that contribute, offering their gifts to us are the angels of healing and love.
I could not ask for a more blessed and profound healing in my life.

Ohana - the powerful web that we weave
Aloha - The presence of God
I was blessed to study with Auntie and Nerita in 2000. Auntie was there every day, she prayed each morning and evening, she taught us both through lecture and demo, and she put her hands on each of us. She was a light being of love. We had a very annoying individual in the class who drove us all crazy, but Auntie would just laugh. I asked her how she did it. She said, "It's aloha! Just love!"

When we arrived, Nerita warned us not to sleep on the lanai unless we wanted to have dreams that would change our lives. Of course I wanted to sleep there! The last night, I had a dream that led me in the next week to meet a kupuna who hanai (adopted) me, who gave me the name Makana, and who introduced me to her son, who became my husband.

Auntie frequently mentioned two muscle groups. One is the teres muscles which she called the paddler's muscle. A few months after I graduated I worked the Honolulu Marathon. One of my patients was a wheelchair athlete. When I started on his teres he began moaning with pleasure. He said no one had ever massaged that muscle and that was *the* muscle he needed worked on. He wrote down its name to give to his therapist back home.

The other muscle was the gluteus medius, which she called the medius. She talked about it a lot. One day, towards the end of our class, we were giving lomilomi quietly, we all pretty much knew what we were doing. Auntie had been silent for perhaps an hour. All of a sudden she spoke up, "I want to tell you something I never told you before!" We all paused and listened intently. She said, "The gluteus is very important!" We all laughed but you know what - I never forgot it!

She read our faces the first day of class. She said she could tell everything by just looking at our countenances. When she looked into my eyes, I could see eyes of love. When she touched me, I felt her hands of love. And she very sweetly and accurately diagnosed me as being stressed!

I dedicated my first book to her, and every day thank God for letting us spend time with her. She has touched millions of people world wide through the touch of her students and students' students. May we all rededicate ourselves to spreading her aloha.
I feel very priviledged to have met Nerita and Lana at that first World Massage Festival in Pensacola. It was a time in my life that no decision had been made by me to enter the field of Massage but was being pulled in by the Powers that BE. I have not learned Lomi Lomi but want to more than ever now. It will begin for me in June 2010 at the 6th Annual World Massage Festival. I cannot wait. I have learned and read and heard such Wonderful things about Auntie Margaret. May her legacy always live on in all of us.
The EYES Never Lie.

Makana Risser Chai said:
I was blessed to study with Auntie and Nerita in 2000. Auntie was there every day, she prayed each morning and evening, she taught us both through lecture and demo, and she put her hands on each of us. She was a light being of love. We had a very annoying individual in the class who drove us all crazy, but Auntie would just laugh. I asked her how she did it. She said, "It's aloha! Just love!"

When we arrived, Nerita warned us not to sleep on the lanai unless we wanted to have dreams that would change our lives. Of course I wanted to sleep there! The last night, I had a dream that led me in the next week to meet a kupuna who hanai (adopted) me, who gave me the name Makana, and who introduced me to her son, who became my husband.

Auntie frequently mentioned two muscle groups. One is the teres muscles which she called the paddler's muscle. A few months after I graduated I worked the Honolulu Marathon. One of my patients was a wheelchair athlete. When I started on his teres he began moaning with pleasure. He said no one had ever massaged that muscle and that was *the* muscle he needed worked on. He wrote down its name to give to his therapist back home.

The other muscle was the gluteus medius, which she called the medius. She talked about it a lot. One day, towards the end of our class, we were giving lomilomi quietly, we all pretty much knew what we were doing. Auntie had been silent for perhaps an hour. All of a sudden she spoke up, "I want to tell you something I never told you before!" We all paused and listened intently. She said, "The gluteus is very important!" We all laughed but you know what - I never forgot it!

She read our faces the first day of class. She said she could tell everything by just looking at our countenances. When she looked into my eyes, I could see eyes of love. When she touched me, I felt her hands of love. And she very sweetly and accurately diagnosed me as being stressed!

I dedicated my first book to her, and every day thank God for letting us spend time with her. She has touched millions of people world wide through the touch of her students and students' students. May we all rededicate ourselves to spreading her aloha.


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