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Lomi Lomi

The purpose of this group is to network and discuss Lomi Lomi.

Members: 146
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2020

Discussion Forum

Aloha all

Started by Edward Miano May 22, 2018.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Association 11 Replies

Started by eArtH mUffIn. Last reply by Harry Uhane Jim Jul 24, 2012.

best books for understanding lomilomi and Hawaiian healing 13 Replies

Started by Makana Risser Chai. Last reply by Bianca Neuhof Mar 13, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 27, 2009 at 7:40am
Let us IKE - be aware of how we are in the world. What do you notice?
How do you interact? HA = The Breath of Life. HA
Comment by rudy m smith on August 26, 2009 at 6:09pm
Lomi is my life, my purpose, my gift... how has it changed me - it transformed me to become that which I am; a person whose life is centered on helping others heal.
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 26, 2009 at 4:31pm
How has Lomi changed your life? I'd like to know. Mahalo
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 25, 2009 at 8:19am
Kala = there are no limits - BE FREE.
ALoha Hugs to everyone
Comment by Agnes Trama on August 25, 2009 at 7:54am
Yes Janet, I understand what you mean by wearing too many different hats. I have learned to slow down which means less money too but well worth the peace. Perhaps there will come a time where we can focus on one thing and do it well. I am happy you derived that peace from Gloria's class.
Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Janet Wickell on August 25, 2009 at 6:45am
Last week's class with Gloria, in Asheville, was amazing. We were all so very different (in many, many ways), but with her guidance, the group melded together and worked as family. We worked individually of course, but energy and love flowed from the group as a whole, and when extra teamwork and support were required, they emerged. I have been running non-stop for years, feeling scattered and stressed much of the time. I'm sure those feelings will still be there, because I wear too many hats, but now, giving a massage has turned into a DE-stressing event for me, rather than just one more thing I have to do. That feeling was a fantastic, but unexpected, result of the class.
Comment by Agnes Trama on August 25, 2009 at 6:44am
Thank You for sharing all the Hawaiian power words. Please do keep them coming. I am learning alot.
Comment by William Neil on August 25, 2009 at 6:18am
Sterling here from Nashville, TN interested in learning about Lomi Lomi, have been interested in Esalen for a long time, thanks.
Comment by rudy m smith on August 25, 2009 at 4:58am
Gloria thank you for spreading your aloha! I spoke unclearly about IKE leaving the definition and the translation off: The World Is What You Think It Is.
Thank You.
Comment by rudy m smith on August 25, 2009 at 4:55am
Another Hawaiian power word - HALAWA - where the breath of god meets the light of god time stops and GOD IS.
This word always gives me chicken skin!

Members (146)


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