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Lomi Lomi

The purpose of this group is to network and discuss Lomi Lomi.

Members: 146
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2020

Discussion Forum

Aloha all

Started by Edward Miano May 22, 2018.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Association 11 Replies

Started by eArtH mUffIn. Last reply by Harry Uhane Jim Jul 24, 2012.

best books for understanding lomilomi and Hawaiian healing 13 Replies

Started by Makana Risser Chai. Last reply by Bianca Neuhof Mar 13, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 24, 2009 at 5:53pm
Can't wait to bring the Lomi class to Minnesota this SEptember.
The class I just taught last week in Asheville was totally amazing! Wow, they moved the earth for sure and love flowed everywhere. Can't wait to share that with your group of Ohana
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 24, 2009 at 8:56am
We practiced Ike all week at the training (along with the other 6 principles)!!!
"BE Aware" The world is what you think it is. Yes! Thank you for the word of the day.
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 23, 2009 at 6:14am
Interesting story. I believe I have been to that site as well on my travels.

I have often been in the presence of 'Kahuna' or other wise ones that did not speak until you asked a question. ;)

Off to teach Lomi this morning. Aloha for sharing
Comment by rudy m smith on August 22, 2009 at 6:31am
The Kahoolawe Ohana were searching for sacred sites on Kahoolawe and I was a safety escort - one site in particular was Kii Pohaku or the stone of the navigator. A large stone that had been carved out for a person to lay in the carving/depression and study/memorize the stars for navigation. They used to make us walk very far in front or behind them and they wouldn't talk with us - like we were "unclean or not worthy" sad but true. They looked and looked for Kii Pohaku for like forever until one of them listened to me when I asked a simple question "what are you looking for?" When he told me I took them right to it and after that we weren't treated like the plague.
Comment by rudy m smith on August 22, 2009 at 6:25am
I met Kahu Abraham on Kahoolawe, he was part of the Kahoolawe Ohana at the time and I listened to him speak at a Lokahi (healers group) on Oahu - very interesting man.
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 22, 2009 at 6:05am
Aloha Rudy,
I went to Aloha International (Serge King) several times and read some of his books, but I did not do my trainings with him. I spent time with more of the locals and studied lomi under the lineage of Kahu Abraham.

Niihau was a "special" gift to me. As you know one is not allowed there and an angel took me!
Comment by rudy m smith on August 22, 2009 at 5:17am
Awesome Hawaiian word of the day: LOKAHI - which means Peace, Harmony, and Balance - this is the same word used to express HEALING!
Comment by rudy m smith on August 22, 2009 at 5:15am
Gloria - sounds wonderful! I was never able to visit Niihau.
That must have been an incredible blessing for you. I was doing bomb disposal for the Navy so I got to spend a lot of time on Kahoolawe. That island was a big part of my awakening. Did you work with Serge King at all?
Comment by Mike Hinkle on August 21, 2009 at 8:24pm
And we can't wait for your class at Festival - Gloria!!!
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 21, 2009 at 8:14pm
I lived on Kauai for 7 years where I studied Lomi and did some traditional hawaiian cultural/ceremonial studies wiith a local kumu too.

I have had "hawaii" in my heart since I was a 'very' little girl. Hawaii has always called out to me. Unfortunately i did not arrive there til my 40's due to circumstances beyond my control.....only to self-heal and transform! I did visit all the islands, include Ni ihau. I feel so blessed.

I am teaching Lomi this week and the elders are calling out to me yet again. I will be on Kauai in March 2010 . Aloha & blessings

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