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Lomi Lomi

The purpose of this group is to network and discuss Lomi Lomi.

Members: 146
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2020

Discussion Forum

Aloha all

Started by Edward Miano May 22, 2018.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Association 11 Replies

Started by eArtH mUffIn. Last reply by Harry Uhane Jim Jul 24, 2012.

best books for understanding lomilomi and Hawaiian healing 13 Replies

Started by Makana Risser Chai. Last reply by Bianca Neuhof Mar 13, 2012.

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Comment by Ann Dunlap on August 21, 2009 at 6:24pm
Hi All. Thank you Ariana for creating this group. It will be fun to share with everyone. I took Lomi Lomi from Lynn Harris who learned it in Hawaii. Someday I hope to go to Hawaii to learn Lomi again and soak in the Aloha spirit that much more.
Comment by rudy m smith on August 20, 2009 at 5:29am
Aloha Gloria,
I would love to learn more about your Hawaiian path of healing. What took you to Hawaii or were you born there? Which island(s) did you live on?
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 18, 2009 at 7:24am
Rudy I agree! Most people unfortunately who haven't had our exposure in hawaii, don't get all of this. Thanks for sharing all this important information. Aloha
Comment by rudy m smith on August 18, 2009 at 5:34am
With intent comes a very Hawaiian way of thinking - you never focus on a problem while working only on what the solution(s) will ultimately look and feel and sound and smell like. Yes Hawaiians even use their noses to smell out trouble!
Comment by rudy m smith on August 18, 2009 at 5:31am
A traditionalist would take offense to using a massage table - foolish - in that traditionaly lomi lomi wasn't something someone did ALL day. It is okay to modernize an ancient art form as professional tools tools become more efficient for you and the client. There are many times when you HAVE to get down on your knees or on the floor like Thai Massage to get the JOB done. Imagine Lomi Lomi in Alabama without Air Conditioning? What is more important than method is once again - intent - so rule #1 connecting with the sacred, the devine, the essence of breath and all life. This connection must be present throughout the Lomi lomi session. An old Hawaiian saying: "you can not heal a boddy unless you heal a mind and you can not heal a mind unless you heal a soul. These three elements are considered the unihipili (ego reactive small self) the Uhane (thinking one - middle self) and Aumakua (extended spirit (s) or highest self). You will find this SYSTEM OF THREE present in all things Hawaiian. For example all Hawaiian words typicaly have three meanings! A rock is a rock - or a rock is a stubborn imovable thing - or a rock is a strong material to build things on.
Comment by rudy m smith on August 18, 2009 at 5:13am
In the beginning - Lomi Lomi was done on Tapa - a mat of sorts, or on the beach or wherever the need occured. Oil was scarce and difficult to extract so it was sacred and the kukui nut was the most common oil used for lomi lomi. However, lomi lomi also used salt gathered from tide pools and limu or seaweed. Stones warmed by the sun were used on the "spot" one time and thrown back into the ocean. Lomi Lomi has evolved tremendously over the last few hundred years - especially the last fifty years with the tourist industries need for more practicioners. This westernization of an ancient art is okay as long as people remember a few basics. First and foremost Lomi Lomi is about sharing breath "HA" connecting with spirit. Prayer is an essential part of Lomi Lomi. Who one prays to is not as important as the intent of connecting with the devine source of ALL things. This connection sets the stage for all that follows.
Comment by rudy m smith on August 17, 2009 at 12:09pm
Hi to ALL. I am a lomi lomi instructor who happens to live in mobile, al. I spent 16.5 years in Hawaii and loved every minute of it. It is a great joy to share lomi lomi with gulf coast residents. I would be happy to share with any and all of you.
Comment by Agnes Trama on August 16, 2009 at 7:17am
Thanks for the info. I know Tom has the video as I have already taken his class.
Unfortunately, it just shows frontal movements. I'm waiting for a video with both. I agree with you Rene. It is the intention behind it. As with Reiki, you can learn the hand positions but once that is established, you follow where the energy directs you, not necessarily follow hand positions in sequence and formality. Thank you all
Comment by Rene Roberto on August 16, 2009 at 5:19am
I agree with Gloria, Lomi videos are great to watch because it gives us an idea of the harmony of movements. But trying to copy movements without knowing the intention behind them is the same as trying to do CranioSacral by copying the moves, one just won't not get mych in terms of positive results! Let's remember that before finding its way to Hawaiian resorts, Lomi was mostly practiced by the island Kahunas (healers), in their temples, as a therapy for almost any disorder. The energy work involved is a big part of it.
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 15, 2009 at 5:39pm
Agnes and Holly. Yes Tom Cochran from Hawaiian temple bodywork have a good DVD out there. However, if you have never taken a lomi training , please know that this looks easier than it is and it is MUCH MORE than the technique. Enjoy the video.

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