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Lomi Lomi

The purpose of this group is to network and discuss Lomi Lomi.

Members: 146
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2020

Discussion Forum

Aloha all

Started by Edward Miano May 22, 2018.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Association 11 Replies

Started by eArtH mUffIn. Last reply by Harry Uhane Jim Jul 24, 2012.

best books for understanding lomilomi and Hawaiian healing 13 Replies

Started by Makana Risser Chai. Last reply by Bianca Neuhof Mar 13, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Makana Risser Chai on August 16, 2011 at 1:46am

Aunty Mary Fragas, Aunty Nerita Machado, Uncle Donald Kaiahua and Yvonne Kaiahua, Uncle Alva Andrews, Uncle Kalama Makaneole, Uncle Alan and Auntie Antoinette Alapa'i, and more to be announced! All presenting at the Hawaiian Lomilomi Association in Kona Oct 13-15.

Comment by Makana Risser Chai on August 14, 2011 at 8:02pm
'Ohana Huna - Family Secrets - is the theme of the HLA annual 'aha Oct. 13-15. Here is a new interview with kupuna Kaipo Kaneakua with his insights into diagnosis, and what it takes for a non-Hawaiian to become a true lomilomi practitioner. Kaipo will be the featured presenter at the 'aha.
Comment by rudy m smith on August 13, 2011 at 5:08am
Here is an interesting word tidbit I was taught by Dr. Ben Nakamura about the word(s) lomi lomi. To massage - to break up - to mix - to bring together and most important - to make as ONE!
Comment by Daniel Cohen on August 12, 2011 at 8:37pm
yes I was wondering about that. Anything related to Hawaii might bring up recipes for spam musubi. Ah.... it has been a long time. Some things make the spirit feel good from the inside.
Comment by Makana Risser Chai on August 12, 2011 at 8:27pm
Yes, Daniel. We also have to be careful because "lomi massage" can bring up stories about how they make lomi salmon LOL
Comment by Daniel Cohen on August 12, 2011 at 7:52pm
Makana, that is very interesting. If you put lomi lomi & lomilomi together it makes up for some of the drops in popularity for lomilomi. Interesting seeing when intrest dipped and when it resurges.
Comment by Makana Risser Chai on August 12, 2011 at 12:11pm
Mahalo Daniel for the ngrams! I added the term "lomilomi" to the search and got even more interesting results.
Comment by Daniel Cohen on August 12, 2011 at 4:18am

using google's new feature for tracing historical interest, it shows how interest in lomi lomi has been increasing along with a peak in interest during annexation and early tourism.
Comment by Barbara Helynn Heard on August 9, 2011 at 11:07pm
Mahalo Makana.  I look forward to meeting you.  aloha, Barbara Helynn
Comment by Makana Risser Chai on August 9, 2011 at 7:11pm
Aloha Barbara Helynn Heard and all lomilomi folks! Yes Barbara, I will be at the Hawaiian Lomilomi Association annual 'aha October 13-15 in Kona. I hope more folks from here can come as this is the only event sponsored by Native Hawaiians who are perpetuating the lomilomi and healing of Auntie Margaret Machado and Papa Henry Auwae. One full day will be given over to Kaipo Kaneakua, an amazing kahu who teaches about diagnosis, herbs, cleansing, lomilomi, ho'oponopono and more. You can go to our Facebook page to see more. Or if you're ready to register, go here. And feel free to contact me for more info. In addition to Kaipo, Papa Auwae's granddaughter will be joining us and many more luminaries of lomilomi.

Members (146)


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