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Massage Educators

The purpose of this group is to invite massage educators to network and dialogue regarding issues related to massage therapy education.

Members: 323
Latest Activity: Jun 2, 2016

Discussion Forum

Massage Therapy Instructor's Online Continuing Education Course

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB Jun 2, 2016.

Research for Health 1 Reply

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB. Last reply by Noel Norwick May 26, 2014.

Golden Opportunities For Massage Therapy Instructors

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB May 6, 2014.

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Comment by Kris Bour on November 15, 2011 at 2:58pm
Anthem Career College in Nashville is proud to announce we now have a Continuing Education program. Although we are not a provider of CE's ourselves, we are bringing in many wonderful providers that are offering high quality, economical CE's. Check us out on the ABMP CE calandar or on our facebook page! We welcome the opportunity to partner with providers! For more information on setting up classes at Anthem, contact Massage Program Chair, Nancy Wilkinson at

Check out our MT program page for our current full schedule of classesin the events section of facebook
Comment by Alexei Levine on November 9, 2011 at 8:00am

Welcome home, Veterans! We know you are coming home to a very challenging job market. So The Massage School is offering full scholarships to ten returning veterans of the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is another front in our war on economic injustice!  If you know of any returning veterans in Massachusetts who would make good massage therapists, please have them call Alexei Levine at The Massage School, 413-529-2900.  We have 2 campuses in Massachusetts, and class starts January 23rd. Please help us to get the word out about this, thanks!

Comment by Karen M. Hobson, LMT, CMT, NCTM on November 4, 2011 at 10:51am
I call it "creating the bubble", the space that permits no distractions in and holds the participants in the session/classroom safe.
Comment by Jeff Sims on November 3, 2011 at 3:22pm
You've reminded me of similar experiences. My principal, John, listened to me complain that some of the students in one of the classes i audited were not grounded and distracted with cell phones, messaging, etc. in the classroom, and how I felt a lack of reverence & respect for the teacher and their classmates. John described the classroom as a temple. Ever since then I use Fritz Smith's pyramid guided meditation at the beginning of term (or a workshop). We empower the space by putting intentions in the pyramid, such as encouraging insights, or new ideas and holding one another in the highest personal regard. They love it and it really makes a difference. Thanks for re-inspiring me!
Comment by Bonny Donnelly on November 3, 2011 at 2:45pm
Mind you,  we can create the space with only our intention, which is the main ingredient,  but it is lovely  to add whatever personal touch you care to bring in...
Comment by Bonny Donnelly on November 3, 2011 at 2:43pm

Wonderful "ah-ha" Kris, and thank you for bringing this into the light.

We can create that sacred space anyplace indeed!

For each class I teach,  I go in prior to the students- either the night before or in the morning -  sometimes I bring sage ( mind the smoke detectors  folks, they get set off easily!  lol ) and other good things in to clear, balance and charge the room. I also have my aromatherapy blend diffusing, and music on.  When they walk in that door they feel the energy difference in the room immediately.  I invite them to be present and do some breathwork and stretching to bring everyone into focus, and then open all the heart chakras in the group. I encourage my students to always create a sacred space too,  and how to do so. Very  very important!  Namaste'~

Comment by Melissa DeFrancesco on November 3, 2011 at 1:54pm
Thanks for sharing...I think we all get caught up sometimes.
Comment by Susan G. Salvo on November 3, 2011 at 1:28pm
So true.
Comment by Taya Countryman LMT on November 3, 2011 at 1:26pm
Such a good reminder....sometimes we forget.
Comment by Charlene Gaffney on November 3, 2011 at 1:17pm

Thank you so much for sharing this. Nice to know I am not alone here. I have implemented this concept into my classroom over the past few years because of a need to get the student's attention. I teach night students and they come in after a super hectic day of working, caring for children and family, and getting little to no rest at night due to the demands of personal life and school. Balance is just something that becomes a sacrifice for them during their school career. I didn't like seeing them so distraught and often times felt like I was teaching them to create a healing space for their clients when they had NO IDEA how to create a healing space for themselves. Here are a few things I do that help them learn this skill:

1. The first 15 minutes of each class day is set aside for a grounding activity, designed to get them "here" and in the present moment. Some days we just talk it out. I check in and give them an opportunity to share the highlights of their day. Sometimes, I will share mine. Reminds them that I am a real person too. Other days, we do something called a "jumpstart" activity, which may include one or two simple questions they should discuss with a partner about the lesson we are working on. Not a grade, no pressure. Just warms them up and gets them in the right state of mind. I also use journaling as a way to set the pace for the class too.

2. During stressful periods in the curriculum and before they start their clinicals each day, I lead a yoga/breathing/meditation/self care class. They get to put on their "comfy clothes" and take some time for themselves while learning the importance of these exercises for their clients too. (a video will work for this if you do not want to lead the exercises yourself)

3. Listening to music in the classroom when they are working on an independent assignment. 

4. Writing classroom objectives on the board while the students write them with you and then discussing. Sets the tone for the day and helps keep the classroom organized.

I enjoyed reading your comment and sharing these ideas with you! 


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