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Massage Educators

The purpose of this group is to invite massage educators to network and dialogue regarding issues related to massage therapy education.

Members: 323
Latest Activity: Jun 2, 2016

Discussion Forum

Massage Therapy Instructor's Online Continuing Education Course

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB Jun 2, 2016.

Research for Health 1 Reply

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB. Last reply by Noel Norwick May 26, 2014.

Golden Opportunities For Massage Therapy Instructors

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB May 6, 2014.

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Comment by Marjorie Brook on August 4, 2009 at 2:36pm
Thank You Ariana,

I was just thinking how great this site and everyone participating is. If I had not posted my outrage with a call to arms, Whitney (thank you for that by the way!) would not have found out about the forms. Which I then forward to the Cortiva Coordinator and low and behold they send me the forms. The school was in the process of needlessly cancleing classes when they contacted me. As I said I did not contact the DOE personally but I listed their info from the top of the "Teacher Approval" form below.

I would no think on-line course are afffected Gloria, as they technically are not conducted in MA but rather cyperspace. You are not paying taxes in that state so you are not held to there laws..but I would check it out anyway.

Thank you to everyone for answering the call!

Health & Happiness,

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Education
350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023
Telephone: (781) 338-6048
TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370
Comment by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB on August 4, 2009 at 1:40pm
Thanks so much for your postings, Marjorie, regarding teaching in MA. When you have a moment, would you please share the contact information for the DOE and the names of the forms that are required for obtaining approval to teach in MA. Do you happen to know if they approve online courses as well as onsite classroom courses? I wish you the very best life has to offer. I admire your tenacity and your willingness to share. Warmly, Ariana Vincent, Ariana Institute,

Marjorie wrote:

I sent a copy of Whitney's post to Cortiva and after calling the DOE (who should have contacted the schools) they forwarded the two forms that need to be filled out - and approved by the DOE for out of state teachers (including having to get my resume nortarized since I am self employed).

So you can teach but now booking a classes is going to be like a bad trip to the DMV. It really is a shame.

Health & Happiness,
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 4, 2009 at 1:30pm
Thanks for the update Marjorie.

I will have to get that paperwork too, as I have someone interested in hosting my Lomi course in Mass.

Much gratitude!
Comment by Marjorie Brook on August 4, 2009 at 1:08pm
Hello Everyone,

I sent a copy of Whitney's post to Cortiva and after calling the DOE (who should have contacted the schools) they forwarded the two forms that need to be filled out - and approved by the DOE for out of state teachers (including having to get my resume nortarized since I am self employed).

So you can teach but now booking a classes is going to be like a bad trip to the DMV. It really is a shame.

Health & Happiness,
Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 4, 2009 at 12:46pm
Thanks Whitney and Marjorie.

I and hope others will also contact the various organizations that may have some influence. I did just send NCBTMB a letter too questioning some of this and to see if they are going to actively get involved for CE providers!

Keep us all posted!
Comment by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB on August 4, 2009 at 12:00pm
Thanks so much, Whitney for the information you provided regarding offering CE classes in MA. Warmly, Ariana Vincent, Ariana Institute,

Whitney Lowe wrote:

I just had a conversation with one of the school owners in MA and apparently it is not quite as bad as it initially has seemed. There is, apparently, still a regulation that you have to be licensed in MA to teach in the entry-level massage programs, but that does not necessarily apply to CE providers. There are now additional hoops that you will have to jump through with increased paperwork, but it is still an option of out-of-state providers to teach there...
Comment by Whitney Lowe on August 4, 2009 at 11:55am
I just had a conversation with one of the school owners in MA and apparently it is not quite as bad as it initially has seemed. There is, apparently, still a regulation that you have to be licensed in MA to teach in the entry-level massage programs, but that does not necessarily apply to CE providers. There are now additional hoops that you will have to jump through with increased paperwork, but it is still an option of out-of-state providers to teach there...
Comment by Marjorie Brook on August 4, 2009 at 11:33am
I just spoke with Allisa Haines, The AMTA CE corordinator for MA. Their lobbyist is fighting it and hopefully it will be ressolved in a month or so. AMTA said they will hold their classes no matter what. I said it before it is just absurd.

Thank you for your encouraging words Maria. On that note Gloria I seem to remember you mentioning about a service that takes registration for you? Having to deal with the "well intentioned but unable to follow basic insrtucts" souls is too time consuming for me right now.

Comment by Mike Hinkle on August 4, 2009 at 11:27am
I believe the powers that be will address this, if they already aren't. But with blow-back from the states that are tired of NCB control and those wanting to take control, there was thought this may happen with some individual states.

I am really curious about MA. They are a member of the FSMTB. I thought they were solidly behind the effort of "porability". This will, at the least, slow down the process. Therapists need to really shout down this effort unless they want the same teachers over and over or must travel out of state. This is going to hurt revenue within the state just to pick up maybe 20 teachers paying the Education Dept. a fee. This is not good for the profession.
Comment by Maria Troia on August 4, 2009 at 11:24am
Hi Marjorie,

I agree with Nick about getting the AMTA and ABMP involved in this, and pronto. You (and ultimately all of us) need the power of an organization behind this one. It's too big and too much potential for ripple effect.

That said, there is nothing stopping you from teaching anywhere. It is up to the therapists to take your class if they see a value in it. I have invested in 5 Element CE classes for acupuncturists because I knew the classes would enhance my Asian bodywork practice. I paid a substantial sum for the classes, and there was zero CE credit for me as an LMT. It did not stop me from enrolling, nor did it stop the other LMTs in the class with me. When there is a perceived value, people will come.

Of course, the schools in MA won't host you because of the political drama unfolding, but you can certainly teach independently. A little more work, but doable.

In the meantime, keep doing what you do best and put your intention into what you want to create. Enlist the organizations to take on the conflict.

Maria Troia, MSEd, LMT, NCTMB, CH

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