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Massage Educators

The purpose of this group is to invite massage educators to network and dialogue regarding issues related to massage therapy education.

Members: 323
Latest Activity: Jun 2, 2016

Discussion Forum

Massage Therapy Instructor's Online Continuing Education Course

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB Jun 2, 2016.

Research for Health 1 Reply

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB. Last reply by Noel Norwick May 26, 2014.

Golden Opportunities For Massage Therapy Instructors

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB May 6, 2014.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Gloria Coppola on August 4, 2009 at 10:50am
This is getting absurd!
I recently have had to get courses approved in other states to teach as well. some charge, some don't. But Why do I pay NCBTMB for approved providership? Was this not the plan of this organization? How can we as educators afford to pay for all of this? I know I am not in that position and yes, it would limit many of us from teaching. If we can only teach in our home state, how sad for many that cannot take classes from many talented individuals!

Does anyone know what the plan of action can be RIGHT NOW!?
I was just invited to teach in Massachusetts and now this won't be a possibility since I am not licensed there. Good Grief!

Mike or anyone, know where we can voice our opinion(s)?
Comment by Mike Hinkle on August 4, 2009 at 10:35am
This is why this profession MUST create an institution to protect it. Doctors have the AMA (The American Medical Assciation). State Massage Boards are here to protect the public. I hear it everyday that most associations are just in it for the money and legislators are only looking for additional revenue.

Who looks out for therapists?
Comment by Marjorie Brook on August 4, 2009 at 10:23am
According to the Cortiva CE Drirector they had to cancel thier summer schedule as have all of the other schools in the state as there where not given any notice and the law went immediately into affect.

I just looked at the state app. it calls for $225, letters of reference, offical copies of current licensure and a notary signature. And in the end it would another state requirenemts which I would have to maintain just to teach one or twice a year in that state. If we end up having to do this for every state it will not be worth it to teach anywhere but in our home states.

This is bad - very bad.
Comment by Noel Norwick on August 4, 2009 at 10:14am
While absurd, I suspect it's "political" decision that government officials believe will raise revenue and that it's being justified as insuring that students in the state are taught by properly "qualified" instructors.

Possibly the best way to deal with this would be for Cortiva, AMTA & ABMP to use whatever political influence they have with state legislators/regulators to allow/create an exemption for people licensed to teach massage courses in other states.
Comment by Marjorie Brook on August 4, 2009 at 10:02am
Hello Everyone,

I am booked to teach at the Cortiva school in MA in October. I have just be notified that Department of Education and the State are in the process of changeover in the state of Massachusetts. The DOE has requested that local schools & organizations get their approval for every course and teacher prior to holding any classes effective immediately. In order to be approved by the DOE to teach any CE massage course the instructor need to have a valid MA MT license.

This is absurd! They are basically limiting the entire state to local instructors only. They can not exspect instructors who are nationally approved to become licensed in every state they teach in as well? This line of action has to be stopped in it's tracks before it spreads across the country.

What say all of you?

Comment by Patricia M. Donohue LMT, NCBTMB on August 2, 2009 at 9:16pm
I've have been a educator in massage therapy for over 25 years and a therapist since 1965. It' nice to be able to get together with others to communicate about the profession.
Take care,
Pat Donohue
Comment by Gloria Coppola on July 30, 2009 at 10:59am
Remember Educators....
I am willing to offer my support as well.
Give me a little info on your topic/classes etc and I will create a mini Fun massage video for you. Just mention me on your site and that's all folks!

People are enjoying the videos. They get posted on my site , also You Tube, FaceBook, Twitter and anywhere anyone else shares it!

Waiting for your topic!
Comment by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB on July 29, 2009 at 12:49pm
Dear Ryan -

You are certainly an asset to this group. Thank you very much for sharing so generously. Warmly, Ariana Vincent, Ariana Institute,

Ryan wrote:

Anybody can use anything on as long as you give me credit. Here is a link for large pictures you can download:

Body Parts:
Muscle Body Parts:
Body Parts Bones:

This section will keep your students busy for days (there are tests, crossword puzzles and so much more):

Tests to print out:
Comment by Maria Troia on July 29, 2009 at 12:19pm
@Massage Nerd: This is fantastic and will be a huge help. Thank you!! I looked for a TCM meridian chart on your site, but didn't see one. Did I miss it?

Thanks again! This takes a huge burden off of me!

Maria Troia
Comment by Scott Kingsbury on July 28, 2009 at 8:50am
For anyone interested in developing their reflexology thumb walking technique you may visit
Click on the blue screen titled "Reflexology Fundamentals Introduction" there are 2 chapters from the DVD you may watch for free to improve or develop your thumb walking technique, the hip-sciatic/pelvic/knee-leg chapter is there as well and can be used for anyone presenting hip, sciatic or leg challenges. This area also works great for knumb toes.

All the best.


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