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Active Isolated Stretching


Active Isolated Stretching

Active Isolated Stretching was developed by Aaron Mattes 40 years ago. This group is being formed to bring more awareness to his body of work and to discuss treatment of various injuries.

Members: 133
Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2018

Discussion Forum

Parkinson's and AIS 2 Replies

I have a new client coming to see me specifically for AIS in hopes to address his Parkinson's disease.  He was a musician and is now unable to play the piano due to this issue.  From what I've…Continue

Started by Amy Grimes. Last reply by Amy Grimes Jun 6, 2011.

Carpal Tunnel 7 Replies

I would appreciate any specific suggestions.  AIS was recommended to me in another discussion.  I am currently going on two months of numbness in both hands.  I am headed to the hand specialist next…Continue

Started by Sue Rexford. Last reply by Jason Erickson Sep 8, 2010.

Communication 8 Replies

Is communication more important than the modality we practice? My answer is yes.

Started by Bruce Baltz. Last reply by Bruce Baltz Jul 23, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Active Isolated Stretching to add comments!

Comment by Marjorie Brook on June 10, 2010 at 10:30pm
The principals of AIS along with select stretches to improve posture are presented. You will gain an understanding of how to apply the techinque along with proper body mechanics for practitioner & client as well as the importance of client cueing. Again this class is designed as an introduction to AIS. If you are looking for a longer more indepth course closer to home I have a 3-day seminar in the works for April 2011 in Portland, Oregan. Best I can do for right now unless you care to join me for a two day intro in Las Vegas, should be fun!
Comment by Lori Burton on June 10, 2010 at 9:11pm
One day of each in MT? So how much will I gather in terms of helping others if I attend the one day AIS?
Comment by Marjorie Brook on June 10, 2010 at 8:05pm
Hi Lori, The Montana class is a one day Scar Tissue and one day intro to AIS.. The Vegas class is a one day Scar followed by a two day AIS class. You can just come for the AIS. I hope that helps!
Comment by Lori Burton on June 10, 2010 at 7:31pm
I am interested in a west coast (preferrably OR) AIS class. I checked out the Montana class and it's in Scar tissue release.
Thank you
Lori Burton
Comment by Marjorie Brook on June 10, 2010 at 12:51pm
For those who are interested I just added a NYC AIS class to my calander. I figure it is time to start teaching in my own back yard. For more information on my August class please visit my site
Comment by Jason Wright on June 2, 2010 at 3:55pm
Hello again Marjorie! Lori Burton posted this under the "Active Isolated Stretching" discussion, above:
"So when are any trainings available on the west coast? I'm in Oregon. I do use some shiatsu stretches in my integrated bodywork and would definitely like to build in AIS." you may wish to contact her as well!
Comment by Marjorie Brook on June 2, 2010 at 8:35am
If you are looking for west cost - I will be in Montanna in October and Vegas in November. (Hi Jason - I am thank you hope your are as well)
Comment by Jason Wright on June 2, 2010 at 7:19am
Hello Choice (and Marjorie! - long time no see hope you're well!) In addition to Aaron's books there are DVDs that you can purchase from his website Like Marjorie commented, though, it really can be quite difficult to learn these movements from a book, even if you have a DVD - and truthfully his books and DVDs may be particularly difficult to learn from. You may also wish to call Aaron himself and ask him if there's anyone in that area that he's trained directly that he can recommend for you to learn from. Aaron's very accessible, you can just call him at his clinic at 941-922-3232 or his home office at 941-922-1939 and ask to speak with him. He has a seminar in Minnesota coming up soon, and he may have something in the works for the midwest or west coast - he'll be able to tell you on the phone. There's really nothing like a seminar with Aaron. Good luck!
Comment by Marjorie Brook on June 2, 2010 at 7:08am
You are welcome. You do not need to be a member of the organization to take the classes. Please visit my site for my latest class listings. If you would like some one to work with or bounce ideas off of just let me know. I can give you a name or two to contact. I appluad your efforts to learn new techniques!
Comment by Choice Kinchen on June 2, 2010 at 7:02am
Not a member of the AMTA. Thanks Marjorie...maybe you could post when you come back next year.

Members (133)


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