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Active Isolated Stretching


Active Isolated Stretching

Active Isolated Stretching was developed by Aaron Mattes 40 years ago. This group is being formed to bring more awareness to his body of work and to discuss treatment of various injuries.

Members: 133
Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2018

Discussion Forum

Parkinson's and AIS 2 Replies

I have a new client coming to see me specifically for AIS in hopes to address his Parkinson's disease.  He was a musician and is now unable to play the piano due to this issue.  From what I've…Continue

Started by Amy Grimes. Last reply by Amy Grimes Jun 6, 2011.

Carpal Tunnel 7 Replies

I would appreciate any specific suggestions.  AIS was recommended to me in another discussion.  I am currently going on two months of numbness in both hands.  I am headed to the hand specialist next…Continue

Started by Sue Rexford. Last reply by Jason Erickson Sep 8, 2010.

Communication 8 Replies

Is communication more important than the modality we practice? My answer is yes.

Started by Bruce Baltz. Last reply by Bruce Baltz Jul 23, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Marjorie Brook on June 2, 2010 at 6:23am
Hi Choice,
It is always difficult to learn a new technique from abook no matter how in depth it goes. The best way is to take a class with either Aaron or a qualified instructor. I was just in Salt Lake City three weeks ago teaching for the AMTA. I will be returning next year for a three day course in AIS. If you can not make it to one of Aaron's or my seminars contact either me or the local AMTA for those who took my course and maybe we can arrange for a training partner so you can practice with someone who has experince.
Comment by Choice Kinchen on June 1, 2010 at 9:01pm
I live in Salt Lake City. I bought Aaron's book as he does not have anything out this way and I can't afford to travel to the east coast. I have picked up a few of the stretches just by going over the book over and over, but I really wonder if I'm doing any good this way.
Comment by Jason Wright on June 1, 2010 at 12:36pm
"The more I know the more I don't know," Aaron said in SC. 1,000 hours is a serious chunk of time. I took a 750 hour course at the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy and that felt like forever! I wonder how much *less* I'd know about AIS if I had spent that time with Aaron instead :-)
Comment by Bruce Baltz on June 1, 2010 at 12:28pm
Jason, Glad to hear you and your wife had a great experience in SC. You cannot spend too much time with this man. I have spent over 1,000 hours with him over the past 7 years and I feel like I am just scratching the surface.
Comment by Jason Wright on June 1, 2010 at 10:04am
What a great seminar in Charleston, SC! My wife and I attended as participants and both received sessions from Aaron. We learned a lot, and there have been (of course!) some changes to the protocol, some changes to how some of the movements are performed, and a few brand new moves.
Comment by Jason Wright on May 7, 2010 at 12:31pm
Yes I will be attending! I agree with you. Spending time with Aaron has always been interesting and informative and, for me, career altering!
Comment by Bruce Baltz on May 1, 2010 at 6:53pm
Hi Jason, Will you being attending? I highly suggest anyone that has not had a chance to study with Aaron to do so. His life time of work has changed to way I approach clinical stretching forever, a true Master. I wish I could attend maybe next time.
Comment by Jason Wright on May 1, 2010 at 6:38pm
I'm also interested to hear how Rudy is doing.
Will anyone from this group be attending the Charleston SC seminar this month?
Comment by Jason Wright on January 24, 2010 at 5:56pm
Bruce: best of luck on your Massage For Haiti endeavor, I hope it will be a huge success!
Comment by Bruce Baltz on January 20, 2010 at 8:37pm
Massage for Haiti; We got it!!!! The Grand Hyatt NYC Confirmed Friday Feb. 12th from 12 noon- 8pm . Any massage therapists wanting to give a helping hand please contact me at Lets do the right thing and help these people!!!!

Members (133)


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