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Hello everyone,

In case some of you could benefit from deepening your anatomy foundation, I wanted to let you know about a webinar I'm holding Monday, Sept. 6th for craniosacral therapists.  I'll be focusing on the anatomy of the falx/tent, the ventricles & their surrounding structures and the venous sinuses and their role in drainage of CSF.

If you'd like more information, you can read all of the details on my website.

I also have a blog that focuses on providing information that supports craniosacral therapists in deepening their skills.  Feel free to visit by clicking here.


Thanks so much!



Lisa Gillispie, BSW, LMT, CST

Views: 1678

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Hi Lisa,

Interesting to hear about your anatomy classes. When I studied CST in 2000 a problem that I immediately became aware of was the lack of  material on anatomy for CST. A few years ago I set up a website in an attempt to start to address part of this problem. I have had discussions with a few schools and the question has been raised, given the nature of the therapy, if it is in fact possible to produce a definitive book on CST. A question that has also intrigued me is the relationship between therapy and art. I am continuing with work for the CSA site on an on going basis. If you have some time please take a look.

 Best wishes


Ray Lacey RCST


Hi Ray,

Wonderful to meet you here!

I've enjoyed browsing your site and your beautiful drawings. What a great perspective you're able to bring to your work with your background in both art and CST.

Best wishes with your site!



Hey guys I like to introduce one more organization which is taking training courses of craniosacral therapy in India.
please visit site: or click here : craniosacral therapy

I need your reviews on this organization. Suggest me anything wrong in this....:)

Waiting for response.

Lisa Gillispie said:

Hi Ray,

Wonderful to meet you here!

I've enjoyed browsing your site and your beautiful drawings. What a great perspective you're able to bring to your work with your background in both art and CST.

Best wishes with your site!




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