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Cruise Ship Massage Therapists


Cruise Ship Massage Therapists

This is a group for Massage Therapists who want to connect with other seafarers, share information, and discuss their experiences in the cruise ship industry.

Location: at sea
Members: 49
Latest Activity: Nov 25, 2013

Discussion Forum

Helping our therapists from Nepal gets jobs with cruise ships?

Hello everyone,Any ideas or contacts on ways to help my therapists from Nepal get jobs at Steiner and other cruise ships?Last year we were listed as "Top 10 Spa Academy in Asia" by the Asia Spa…Continue

Started by Rob Buckley Jul 11, 2012.

Cruise Ship Employment 26 Replies

The cruise ship spa industry is dominated by one major player, Steiner Leisure and a few smaller competitors like:…Continue

Tags: crew, ships, employment, jobs, cruise

Started by Alex Frigino. Last reply by Chaise N Hasan May 18, 2012.

Sea Stories 4 Replies

I remember one time I was giving a session in my treatment room on the cruise ship when there was a quiet 'tap tap' at the door. Since I was in session, I decide to ignore it. Tourists would always…Continue

Started by Alex Frigino. Last reply by Alex Frigino Sep 10, 2010.

Thinking about cruising? 16 Replies

Cruise ships are a GREAT way to see the world. You only unpack once. You visit fabulous places. You get a ton of hands-on experience. You work ungodly hours for low wages. What a glorious way to kick…Continue

Tags: jobs, ships, cruise

Started by Alex Frigino. Last reply by Alex Frigino Jul 22, 2010.

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Comment Wall


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Comment by Tina Holt on February 21, 2012 at 12:15pm

I am looking for an article for my website about working as a cruise ship massage therapist and why massage therapists choose to do this, positives and negatives, benefits, who to contact, etc. If anyone is interested in writing about this please let me know. Just need a short article-not printed somewhere else. Thanks!

Comment by Alex Frigino on September 10, 2010 at 2:44pm
Hi Krista,
check out the entry on here entitled "cruise ship employment". There are a few leads on there.
Best wishes,
Comment by Krista Witthoeft on August 30, 2010 at 7:15am
hi all! my name is krista snd i am a massage therapy instructor. part of my job requirement is to help place students in a massage career once they graduate. i have 2 students right now that will graduate in 5 weeks who are both interested in getting a job on a cruise ship. the only problem is-i really have no idea on how to get the seach started. can anyone help me out so i can help my students!! i really appreciate it!!
Comment by Dominique Bounds on March 10, 2010 at 8:01pm
I was wondering how much do a MT make on a cruise ship bcuz I was thinking about working on one and how many hours do you work
Comment by Julie Wuebbels on March 10, 2010 at 4:00pm
No I am sorry they did not give a base pay amount per week. When I get home tonight I will double check my notes that I took that day to see if I missed anything. have a great night Jewels
Comment by Alex Frigino on March 10, 2010 at 2:24pm
Hi Julie,
best wishes for your mobile business! That sounds like a great plan B and quite a travel adventure! Thank you also for your numerically detailed update. The 3500 estimate sounds like an over-optimistic sales-pitch from them. Did they mention a base pay amount per week? This would be very useful info for the group to know.
Best regards,
Comment by Julie Wuebbels on March 10, 2010 at 10:55am
Well Alex my plan B is to travel in a pop up in my state to and from different events. The pay was not exact with Steiner they said the an estimated pay would be around 3500 a month and you got 7.25% of the commission of sales so you could earn up to a 1000 a month in sales. It all depended on how you sold things how you sold yourself to get the clients. The thing of it was that you worked 12 hours with only 1 hour of a break and you had to do things with out getting paid like their morning and evening meetings after your supper break. you had to take their classes in London which you pay to get to and you don't get paid while you are there which could be 4 to 8 weeks. I figured at the 3500 a month without the 1000 and the hours that you go to the meetings it would average somewhere around $13 an hour also you only would get a day and a half off a week which could be half day here and a half day there and you still had to attend the meetings. It was a combination of things that made me think no not for me I for one could not wait almost a full 6 months before I would leave and i could not afford to wait to get a pay check for almost as long if not longer. Also if at any time you do not complete the contract they would charge you for the classes and the stay at the y in London even if it is their fault like an accident or something. There was a few other little things that just did not sit well with me but if anyone wants to try them or others make sure you ask all the questions that you can think of before you pay to go down to the interview especially if you have no money to begin with. lessons learned the hard way is the way I seem to learn I get one tracked minded and no one tells me I am wrong until I tell myself Have a great week
Comment by Alex Frigino on March 10, 2010 at 2:20am
Hi Julie,
I am sad to hear that it did not work out for you. What is your plan B? Can you tell us how much they offered for weekly pay and commission rates? Because the question "Does cruising pay" is an FAQ in this group and it would really help others to add matters up for themselves.
Best wishes, Alex
Comment by Julie Wuebbels on February 24, 2010 at 3:51pm
To all that is interested in doing massage on a cruise line ask a lot of questions before agreeing to go to an interview It was a nice little vacation I could not afford but it was also information that could have all been given to me over the internet or by mail before they even asked me to Florida If you really have the money and the personality to sell products and work like a dog for little money go for it and to wait for ever before starting. It is definitely not for someone looking for a job right away or for someone that has no money at the time you start I don't know if all the spas are the same but I know that Steiner is one that you need to ask as much as possible before hand and to have a lot of money to start with Good luck to all that choose this as a path I did not the adventure would have been great if I would have been able to enjoy it
Comment by Julie Wuebbels on December 24, 2009 at 12:47pm
I am sending you all warm and happy thoughts this Holiday Season. May you have a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a joyful Holiday what ever you celebrate. May peace and prosperity come to you in the New Year also

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