Muscle cramping during therapy sessions is something I come across frequently with new clients.
The 3 muscles that frequently cramp during muscle testing or when I put clients in certain postures are:
• Bicep femoris Long head
I feel this is mainly due to the above muscle being over dominant over their synergistic neighbors,
SCM cramping during trunk and head flexion,
Possibly due to weak hyoids:
Solution: release SCM then have the client place the tongue into the roof of the mouth just behind the front teeth. This will anchor the tongue and more importantly the hyoid bone therefore giving the hyoids a firm attachment point to activate from.
for info on scm release and deep cervical flexors retraining
TFL cramping during hip flexion past 90 degrees.
Possibly due to weak under active psoas:
Solution: release TFL and anterior joint capsule. Perform low level resisted isometric hip extension with the hip flexed past 90 degrees, this will nullify the TFL’s mechanical advantage therefore forcing the psoas to activate minus TFL butting in.
For info on anterior capsular release techniques
Hamstring cramps whilst bridging or rolling over on the therapy table.
Possibly due to weak glutes:
As above tightness in these areas may inhibit these powerful hip extensors, perform fast paced gluteal stimulatory techniques to increase muscle tone and neural drive
For more info muscle inhibition and spindle techniques
Do other LMT’s see these common areas of cramping if so how do you prevent this problem?